• Ney Poovan is a popular in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Maharashtra. • Unripe green fruits turn bright yellow upon ripening, very thin skin with the pulp to peel ratio of 3.77-4.15 at ripeness, pulp is ivory white in colour, and firm in nature. • Choicest cultivar due to excellent aroma and better post green life. • Good keeping quality and non detaching nature of fruit from the bunch, makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. • Possesses good sugar acid blend. • Tolerant to drought and leaf spot but susceptible to Fusarium wilt. • Good adaptability to a broad range of soil conditions and suitable for cultivation under shade of coconut plantations. • Great market demand for its fruits with unique small size and tasty pulp, popularly known as Baby banana. Great market potential in Europe, North America and West Asia.
• Ney Poovan is a popular in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Bihar and Maharashtra. • Unripe green fruits turn bright yellow upon ripening, very thin skin with the pulp to peel ratio of 3.77-4.15 at ripeness, pulp is ivory white in colour, and firm in nature. • Choicest cultivar due to excellent aroma and better post green life. • Good keeping quality and non detaching nature of fruit from the bunch, makes it suitable for long-distance transportation. • Possesses good sugar acid blend. • Tolerant to drought and leaf spot but susceptible to Fusarium wilt. • Good adaptability to a broad range of soil conditions and suitable for cultivation under shade of coconut plantations. • Great market demand for its fruits with unique small size and tasty pulp, popularly known as Baby banana. Great market potential in Europe, North America and West Asia.