Pseudostem weevil is one of the most destructive pests of banana in India and many other parts of the world. 63 images |
Corm weevil, also known as rhizome weevil, is a major pest of bananas with a near cosmopolitan distribution. 61 images |
Small banana weevil is a minor pest of banana in the Indo-Malayan region. It looks like a miniature rhizome weevil and bores into the decaying rhizome and stalks of banana. 4 images |
Fruit and leaf scarring beetles (Basilepta spp.) are major pests in north and northeastern India and Bangladesh and affect the cosmetic appearance and market value of fruits. 66 images |
Banana lacewing bugs are found allover India and cause characteristic stippling of infested leaves. They are serious pests in summer months. 50 images |
Flower thrips infest the flowers and young fruits and affected fruits are scarred with reduced market value. 22 images |
Leaf thrips are common pests of banana and occasionally also cause fruit damage. 50 images |
Silvering thrips externally look like Helionothrips kadaliphilus and causes similar damage to leaves, but much less common in South India. 2 images |
Asprothrips navsariensis is a minor pest of banana leaves. It is known from India (Gujarat and Tamil Nadu) and Indonesia (Bogor). Though occasionally large populations are seen, economic damage is negligible. 5 images |
Banana aphids transmit the dreaded bunchy top of banana virus and are a serious threat to cultivation of traditional varieties like hill banana. 38 images |
Banana scales have a wide distribution in all banana growing regions and rarely cause major economic damage as they are kept under check by natural enemies. 60 images |
It is one of the common diaspidid scales infesting banana, but rarely serious. 13 images |
Hemiberlesia spp. are common pests of banana and kept under check by many natural enemies. 16 images |
This is a minor pest of banana in Tamil Nadu during dry periods. 13 images |
Oyster scales are minor pests of bananas and plantains and usually do not warrant any control measures. 10 images |
Root mealybugs are serious on some cultivars of banana in South India and cause major damage. 26 images |
Root mealybugs belonging to Rhizoecus spp. are commonly found on banana, but much less damaging than Geococcus spp. 11 images |
Solenopsis mealybug has a wide host range and is found on several plants, including banana. 19 images |
Tailed mealybug is a highly polyphagous pest on several hosts including banana and affects both foliage and fruits. 21 images |
The pink hibiscus mealybug, a highly polyphagous pest, is commonly found infesting banana fruits in South India. 14 images |
The Jack Beardsley mealybug is an invasive species recently reported from South India and it has become a common but minor pest of banana fruits. 22 images |
Rastrococcus iceryoides is a major pest of banana bunches in some cultivars 17 images |
Dysmicoccus brevipes is a common pest of banana and is usually found on natural cavities and roots. 6 images |
This is an emerging pest of banana bunches in some parts of South India. 11 images |
Black scales are occasional pests on leaves and sometimes even fruits during summer. 35 images |
This is a minor pest of banana commonly found in small numbers on the leaf around the petiole. 8 images |
Brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum, is commonly found on banana foliage, but in very few numbers and does not cause economic damage 9 images |
Wax scales are commonly seen on banana, but rarely reach damage causing levels. 2 images |
Banana whitefly is a very common but economically unimportant pest. 16 images |
Spiralling whitefly is an introduced pest in India with a wide range of host plants including banana and occasionally serious. 10 images |
Rugost spiralling whitefly, a recent invasive pest in South India, has many hosts, but banana and coconut are its most preferred host plants. 90 images |
Whitefly, Aleurocanthus sp., is a minor pest of banana leaves. 4 images |
Prodromus clypeatus is endemic to some parts of Kerala and South India and causes damage symptoms on leaves similar to lacewing bugs. 6 images |
Spodoptera litura, the leaf caterpillar, has several host plants and is a major pest of bananas in all banana growing areas. 82 images |
Fall armyworm is primarily a pest of maize and sorghum and polyphagous on several host plants including banana 30 images |
Erionota torus, the banana skipper, until recently restricted to the northern and northeastern parts, has emerged as a serious pest in peninsular India. 65 images |
Kophene cuprea is one of the most common pests of banana and the damage is common and usually confined to isolated patches. 39 images |
Olepa ricini is one of the most common pests of banana foliage and feeds on a variety of host plants. 19 images |
Olene mendosa is a common pest of banana foliage and its infestation is usually confined to localized patches. 13 images |
Somena scintillans is one of the many hairy caterpillars feeding on banana fruit and foliage and occasionally causes serious economic damage. 50 images |
Euproctis fraterna is one of many hairy caterpillars feeding on banana fruit and foliage and occasionally causes serious economic damage. 11 images |
This is a common hairy caterpillar on banana foliage and causes skeletonization and drying of leaves. 18 images |
Chrysodeixis chalcites is an occasional pest of banana leaves 6 images |
This is an endemic, occasionally serious pest in Kerala. The damage symptoms are similar to those caused by other lepidopteran pests. 3 images |
Larvae of Spatulifimbria spp. are occasionally found feeding on banana leaves. 16 images |
Fruit flies are economically less important on banana as the flies do not prefer to lay eggs on green bananas. 16 images |
Fruit spotting bugs are sporadic pests of banana fruit in Maharashtra. 3 images |
Spider mite, Oligonychus indicus, a polyphagous pest, is serious on banana during summer and the symptom of damage is characteristic. 32 images |
Spider mites are serious pests of banana foliage during summer 5 images |
Oriental red mite is a minor but occasionally serious pest of banana foliage during summer. 30 images |
Raoiella indica, a polyphagous mite pest, is a serious problem during summer months on banana and has many natural enemies. 45 images |
Minor pests like chafer beetles and weevils are common on bananas and plantains and seldom require any control measures. 4 images |
This a minor and sporadic pest of bananas in Tamil Nadu and the larvae bore into the leaf sheaths and cause yellowing and drying of outer leaves. 27 images |
Immature stages and adults of this cerambycid beetle are found inside the leaf sheath and outer layers of pseudostem of old plants of banana. 9 images |
Phymatosetha deschampsi is a minor sucking pest on banana foliage in Kerala and some other parts of South India. 4 images |
Adults of rhinoceros beetle, a major pest of coconut and other palms, sometimes feed on banana stem and fruits. 6 images |
Grasshopper, Neorthacris sp. is common in banana ecosystem and occasionally causes damage by feeding on the foliage. 14 images |
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