Musa Transcriptome SSR Database
It is a popular variety in Kerala where it is relished as a fruit as well as used for processing. Commercial cultivation of Nendran has picked up rapidly in Tamil Nadu in the recent past. Nendran is known to display considerable diversity in plant stature, pseudostemcolour, presence or absence of male axis, bunch size, etc. Bunch has 5-6 hands weighing about 12-15 kg. Fruits have a distinct neck with thick green skin turning buff yellow on ripening. Fruits remain as starchy even on ripening. Nendran is highly susceptible to Banana Bract Mosaic Virus (BBMV), nematodes and borers.
Name: NendraPadathi
Synonyms: KuthiraivalChingan
Genome: AAB
Subgroup: Nendrapadathi
Distribution: Southern tips of Tamil Nadu andKerala
DescriptionStature: Medium size with light greenpseudostem with large dark brownblotches, withered bract and maleflowers are persistent all along themale phase
Leaves: Either erect or droopy, green on upper surface and slightly wax coated on lower surface
Bunch: 7-8 hands and loosely packed fruits
Yield: 6-7kgs
Fruit: Angular and flattened, fruit tip isblunt with persistent stylar base,thick fruit skin, remains light greeneven after ripening.
Pulp:Cream in colour, very sweet andhighly fragrant
Duration:10-11 months
Utility: Dessert
Special Features:
• Suitable as an inter crop in coconutand arecanut plantations underperennial system and for cultivationat higher altitudes
• Largely grown in Trichirapalli and Coimbatore districts.
• Important variety for processing.
• Fruits eaten ripe and raw, or used as vegetable in the mature unripe condition.
• Plant has distinct pink colouration in pseudostem.
• Bunch not compact, 12-15 kgs, 4-6 hands, 3 prominent ridges, distinct nipple.
• Fruits - large, long, thick, peel - thick and leathery, golden yellow, peels with difficulty.
• Pulp - firm, flesh coloured, core fairly conspicuous mild flavour, medium sweet.
• Good keeping quality.
• Not suitable for ratoon crop.
• Crop duration 11-12 months.
Problems:Ripe fruits easily drop off from thepedicel