I am proud and privileged
Brainstorming meeting on 'Problems and Prospects of Banana in North East India' held on 3 & 4, June, 2016

Scientists of ICAR - NRCB attended Brainstorming meeting on 'Problems and Prospects of Banana in North East India' held at Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat on 2-4, June, 2016. The meet was formally inaugurated by Dr. K. M. Bujarbaruah, Vice Chancellor, AAU, Jorhat. Other delegates at the inaugural session include Dr. B. Padmanaban, Acting Director, ICAR - NRCB, Tiruchirapalli; Dr. A. Bhattacharya, Organizing secretary, AAU, Jorhat and Dr. S. K. Mukherjee, Senior consultant, NER-BPMC, DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi. Presentations and discussions on various aspects of banana improvement and production were held in six technical sessions. Based on the discussions, six committees were formulated of which two of our Scientists are Co-ordinators for the two thematic areas.