I am proud and privileged
International Yoga Day Celebrations @ICAR-NRCB, Trichy

International Yoga Day was organized at Conference hall, ICAR NRC for Banana, Tiruchurapalli on 20.06.2017. The function was inaugurated by Dr.(Mrs) S. Uma, Director and actively participated by all the staff members including the Director of the institute. Instructor Dr R. Sughumar, Jayarangha, Nature Cure Hospital and Yoga Research Centre, Tiruchirapalli, briefed about the health benefits of yoga and demonstrated the various exercises, yogaasans, pranayam, etc., with the support of experts Dr Raja and Dr Jeeva Jothi. Prior to this Mrs. V. Chitradevi, Co-ordinator, Heartfulness Meditation Centre, Tiruchirapalli has emphasized the importance of meditation and given demonstration on protocols to be followed while meditation. All the employees of the institute have resolved to practice yoga and meditation daily.