I am proud and privileged
Technology Transfer of Banana Fig

Dr. B Padmanaban, Director-In-Charge handing over the MoU to Krishnan V.V.

Dr. B Padmanaban, Director-In-Charge handing over the MoU to Tony Cyriac
Banana fig is a dehydrated fruit that can also be prepared by artificially ripening the immature or matured unmarketable fruits of banana. The figs are highly nutritious and helps in providing nutritional security by supplying all the nutrients of banana in a concentrated form. The ITMU Unit of ICAR-NRCB transferred the Technology to Mr. Krishnan, V.V., Kannur, Kerala and Mr. Tony Cyriac, Kottayam, Kerala on 04.05.2016 under Licensing of Technical Know-how at ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. In this connection, hands-on training of the product was imparted to the clients by Post-harvest Technology Section of the Centre headed by Dr. K N Shiva. During the occasion, Dr. B. Padmanaban, Director-In-Charge, ICAR-NRCB handed over the signed MoU copies of the technology to the clients in the presence of Dr. M.S. Saraswathi, Officer-In-Charge, ITMU.