I am proud and privileged
One Day Banana Farmers Interface meet at IIVR-KVK, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh

An One day Banana Farmers’ Interface Meeting was organized at ICAR-IIVR Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Seorehi,Kushinagar on 19.2.2016 in collaboration with ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi, Around 150 banana farmers from 10 Blocks of Kushinagar District were participated in the event.
Dr. B.Padmanaban, Director In-charge, ICAr- NRC Banana, Tiruchirapalli presided over the function and Dr. B.Singh, Director, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi was Chief Guest of the function. Er. Rajesh Yadav, DGM, NABARD was Guest of Honour.
In his presidential address, Dr. Padmanaban, Director, ICAR-NRCB elaborated the recent trends in increasing the area under banana cultivation in Uttar Pradesh and presented various measures / improved cultivation practices developed by NRCB for the banana cultivation.
Dr. B.Singh, Director, ICAR-IIVR, Varanasi in his address expressed his happiness and thanked NRCB for taking up this venture for the benefit of banana farmers of Uttar Pradesh.
Er. Rajesh Yadav, DGM, NABARD in his address informed about the readiness of financial assistance from NABARD for the conduct of Off-campus Training on Improved Banana cultivation practices including Post harvest handling at NRCB, Tiruchirapalli for the selective farmers of Uttar Pradesh.
Shri Surendra Bhaskar, DHO, Kushinagar, Dr. AK.Dubey, Coordinator – IIVR-KVK, Kushinagar and VK.Shukla, Jain irrigation Systems Ltd. made a presentation on various aspects of banana cultivation.
Dr.Thangavelu, Principal Scientist and Dr. V.Kumar, Principal Scientist from ICAR-NRCB, Trichy presented the Improved plant protection technologies for banana plants and Improved production and cultivation technologies, respectively, for adoption by the banana farmers in UP.
Various improved technologies developed by NRCB were presented in the meeting for the benefit of farmers.
Dr.SK.Singh, IISR Testing Centre, Lucknow and Dr.RB.Yadav, Principal Scientist (Soil Science), Regional Research Centre, IIVR participated in the event.
Ten Progressive Banana growers of 10 blocks of Kushinagar were selected and Recognition Certificate were given to them.