Mayilvaganan Scientific
Dr.M.Mayilvaganan [Principal Scientist]
Qualification Ph. D.
Specialization / Discipline Plant Biochemistry
Department Production
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Salient Research Achievements
(in bullets)
  • Elucidated quantitatively the phenylpropanoid metabolites conferring resistance of banana cultivars to Pratylenchus coffeae .
  • Developed an improved protein isolation procedure from banana roots for proteomics analysis and elucidated differentially expressed proteins in banana roots in response to P. coffeae infection.
  • Unraveled the biochemical mechanism of ‘green ripening’ of Cavendish bananas.
  • Developed a method for delaying of ripening of pre- and post-harvest bananas using biochemicals.
  • Macro-encapsulated and characterized the anthocyanin pigments derived from banana flower bracts.
  • Worked out the glycemic index of commercial varieties of bananas.
  • Iron biofortified Grand Naine and Rasthali bananas being developed through transgenic approach.
Current Research
  • Biochemistry of banana fruit ripening and characterization of high value compounds of fruit and flower (PI)
  • High Temperature and soil moisture deficit stresses in banana: Mechanism of high temperature tolerance and management of high temperature and soil moisture deficit stresses in banana(Co-PI)
  • Functions of resistant starch and designer food development from banana flour (Co-PI)
Current Research
  • BIRAC Project: Biofortification and development of disease resistance in banana: Component 2: Biofortification and evaluation of Indian banana with Iron constructs (PI)
  • DBT Project: Characterization of high value phytochemicals of anti-diabetic and immunomodulatory properties in North Eastern banana varieties (PI)
  • DBT Project: Collection, evaluation, documentation and conservation of banana genetic resources from north eastern region (Co-PI)
  • DBT Project: Management of low temperature and soil moisture deficit Stresses in banana grown in North Eastern India (Co-PI)
Area of Interest Biochemistry of fruit ripening, Biofortification through transgenic, Phytochemicals and nutraceuticals, Metabolomics.
Total Research Publications 50
Best five Publications
  • Mayil Vaganan, M., Ravi, I., Sarumathi, S., Nandakumar, A., Sundararaju, P. and Mustaffa, M. M. (2014). Phenylpropanoid enzymes and phenolic polymers and metabolites as chemical defenses to infection of Pratylenchuscoffeae in roots of resistant and susceptible bananas (Musa spp.). Ind. J. Expt. Biol. 52: 252-260.
  • Mayil Vaganan, M., Sarumathi, S., Nandakumar, A., Ravi, I. and Mustaffa, M. M. (2015). Evaluation of different protein extraction methods for banana (Musa spp.) root proteome analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Ind. J. Biochem. Biophys. 52: 101-106.
  • Ravi, I., Uma, S., Mayil Vaganan, M. and Muftaffa, M. M. (2013). Phenotyping of bananas for drought resistance Front. Physiol 4: 1-15.
  • Kaliyappan, R., Viswanathan, S., Suthanthiram, B., Subbaraya, U., Somasundram, S. M. and Mayil Vaganan, M. (2016). Evolutionary expansion of WRKY gene family in banana and its significance against root lesion nematode, Pratylenchuscoffeae . PloSONE 11(9): 1-18. e0162013.DOI:10.137/journal.pone.0162013.
  • Kumaravel, M., Uma, S., Backiyarani, S., Saraswathi, M. S., Mayil Vaganan, M. Muthusamy, M. and Sajith, K. P. (2016).Differential proteome analysis during early embryogenesis in Musa spp. (cv. Grand Naine-AAA). Plant Cell Reports, 36(1):163-178. DOI: 10.1007/s00299-016-2067-y.
  • Best Poster Award
  • Best Poster Award


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