Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, Honourable Deputy Director General (Hort. Sci. & Crop Sci.), ICAR lighting the lamp
As part of the Silver Jubilee of ICAR-NRC for Banana, Tiruchirappalli, Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, Hon’ble Deputy Director General (Hort. Sci. & Crop Sci.), ICAR visited the institute and participated in the inauguration of the 5th Group Discussion of the ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits on 17th February, 2018. Dr. S. Nagoor Ali Jinnah, CGM, NABARD, Chennai and Dr. B.M.C. Reddy, ICAR, Special Invitee & Ex-Vice Chancellor, Dr. YSRHU were presented as Guest of Honours. Directors of various institutes namely, Dr. M.R. Dinesh, IIHR; Dr. S. Rajan, CISH; Dr. M.S. Ladaniya, CCRI; Dr. S.D. Sawant, NRCG also participated in the function. Besides, Dr. H.P. Maheswarappa, PC, Palms, Dr. Manish Das, ICAR-HQ and Dr. S.K. Malik, DG representative also participated in the function.
Dr. B. Padmanaban, Head, Crop Protection welcomed all the delegates.
Dr. S. Uma, Director of the Institute, in her introductory remarks, thanked all her predecessors for making the institute vibrant and more dynamic with rich genetic resources and commendable infrastructure facilities. A video on achievements of NRCB activities over the past 25 years was shown to the delegates and it was appreciated by all.
Chief Guest of the function, Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Hort. Sci. & Crop Sci.) ICAR, urged the institute to focus in developing the ways and means to minimize the post-harvest losses in the value chain. He opined that there is a need for systematic investment in agriculture for the development and to bring a change in the farming systems to improve the livelihood of the farmers.
Dr. S. Nagoor Ali Jinnah, NABARD, has emphasized the importance of Agriculture in livelihood of farmers and outlined the schemes available in NABARD for various agriculture related activities. The other invitees who spoke at the inaugural function were, Dr. Prakash Patil, PC Fruits Shri G.Ajeethan, Secretary, TN Banana Producers Co. Ltd., Mohanur; Shri Ezhilan Ka Ve, CEO/Director, Greeneers Agro Prod. India Ltd., Tiruppur; Dr.S. Narayanan, Vice President, Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd., Udumalpet.
During the inaugural function, considering the importance of management of Fusarium wilt TR4, different kind of publications from the Institute (Fact sheets, Technical Folder, Extension folder and poster) were released in both English and Hindi. Poster depicting symptoms, Dos and Donts of wilt management was distributed to all the 50 AICRP centres covering all over India. Besides, a compilation of success stories from NRCB developed technologies, Nutrient compendium of processed products of Banana were also released.
The meeting ended with the vote of thanks from Dr. M. Mayilvaganan, PS, Biochemistry & Head, Crop Production & PHT.