Corm weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus

Corm weevil, also known as rhizome weevil, is a major pest of bananas with a near cosmopolitan distribution.
cosmo  Corm damaged by weevil cosmo-larva1  Corm damage due to rhizome weevil cosmo2  Rhizome damaged by Cosmopolites sordidus 20170317 102804  Corm damage due to tunnelling by corm weevil
20170317 103917  Corm damage due to tunnelling by corm weevil 20170317 104302  Rhizome damage due to tunnelling by weevil 20170317 110325  Corm damage due to tunnelling by corm weevil 20170317 110443  Corm damage due to weevil
20170317 111136  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 111204  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 111956  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 112331  Rhizome damaged by weevil
20170317 113059  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 113848  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 115009  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 115549  Rhizome damaged by weevil
20170317 121619  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 122619  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 124115  Rhizome damaged by weevil 20170317 125615  Rhizome damaged by weevil
20170317 144822  Corm weevil damage symptom 20170317 145435  Corm weevil damage symptom 20170317 150311  Corm weevil damage symptom 20170317 152142  Corm weevil damage symptom
Egg-cormweevil (1)  Egg of corm weevil inside banana rhizome cosmo-egg  Egg of rhizome weevil cormweevil-larva3  Early stage larva cosmo5  Larva of corm weevil
cosmo6  Larva tunnelling into rhizome cosmo7  Early stage larva of corm weevil cosmo-larva2  Larva of corm weevil larva-rhizomeweevil  Larva of corm weevil
image0190  Full grown larva of corm weevil cosmopolites-grub  Larva of corm weevil image0187  Larva of corm weevil cosmo-larva  Larva of corm weevil
cosmo3  Larva of corm weevil cosmo4  Larva of corm weevil larva1  Larva of rhizome weevil cormweevil-grub  Larva of corm weevil
cosmo-larva4  Larva of corm weevil cormweevil-damage  Banana rhizome showing tunnelling by corm weevil larva cosmopolites  Adult weevil rhizome-weevil  Adult rhizome weevil
rhizome-weevil1  Adult rhizome weevil corm weevil  Adult weevil cosmopol-pupa  Pupa of rhizome weevil image0219  Pupa of rhizome weevil
cormweevil-adult  Adult weevils inside corm cormweevil-adult1  Adult weevil cosmo-adult 5  Adult weevil cosmo-adult6  Adult weevil on corm
cormweevils  Adult rhizome weevil cormweevil-adult3  Adult of rhizome weevil cosmo-pronotum  Pronotum of rhizome weevil with dense punctures DSC 0652  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil.
DSC 0651  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil and corm weevil. DSC 0650  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces attract greater numbers of corm weevil than pseudostem weevil. DSC 0646  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana weevils.  These traps should be frequently visited to collect and kill the adult weevils. DSC 0621  Disc-on-stump traps can also be used for monitoring and trapping of banana weevils and are better than longitudinally split traps.
DSC 0618  Insecticides / entomofungal pathogens like Beauveria bassiana may be applied onto the cut surface of the stump and covered with another disc of pseudostem to make the trap more effective.