Pseudostem weevil, Odoiporus longicollisPseudostem weevil is one of the most destructive pests of banana in India and many other parts of the world. 63 images |
Corm weevil, Cosmopolites sordidusCorm weevil, also known as rhizome weevil, is a major pest of bananas with a near cosmopolitan distribution. 61 images |
Small banana weevil, Polytus mellerborgiiSmall banana weevil is a minor pest of banana in the Indo-Malayan region. It looks like a miniature rhizome weevil and bores into the decaying rhizome and stalks of banana. 4 images |
Banana fruit and leaf scarring beetles, Basilepta spp.Fruit and leaf scarring beetles (Basilepta spp.) are major pests in north and northeastern India and Bangladesh and affect the cosmetic appearance and market value of fruits. 66 images |
Banana lacewing bug, Stephanitis typicaBanana lacewing bugs are found allover India and cause characteristic stippling of infested leaves. They are serious pests in summer months. 50 images |
Banana flower thrips, Thrips hawaiiensisFlower thrips infest the flowers and young fruits and affected fruits are scarred with reduced market value. 22 images |
Banana leaf thrips, Helionothrips kadaliphilusLeaf thrips are common pests of banana and occasionally also cause fruit damage. 50 images |
Banana silvering thrips, Hercinothrips bicinctusSilvering thrips externally look like Helionothrips kadaliphilus and causes similar damage to leaves, but much less common in South India. 2 images |
Asprothrips navsariensisAsprothrips navsariensis is a minor pest of banana leaves. It is known from India (Gujarat and Tamil Nadu) and Indonesia (Bogor). Though occasionally large populations are seen, economic damage is negligible. 5 images |
Banana aphid, Pentalonia nigronervosaBanana aphids transmit the dreaded bunchy top of banana virus and are a serious threat to cultivation of traditional varieties like hill banana. 38 images |
Banana scale, Aspidiotus destructorBanana scales have a wide distribution in all banana growing regions and rarely cause major economic damage as they are kept under check by natural enemies. 60 images |
Oriental yellow scale, Aonidiella orientalisIt is one of the common diaspidid scales infesting banana, but rarely serious. 13 images |
Scale, Hemiberlesia sp.Hemiberlesia spp. are common pests of banana and kept under check by many natural enemies. 16 images |
Oyster scale, Pseudaulacaspis cockerelliOyster scales are minor pests of bananas and plantains and usually do not warrant any control measures. 10 images |
Root mealybug, Geococcus sp. nr. johorensisRoot mealybugs are serious on some cultivars of banana in South India and cause major damage. 26 images |
Root mealybug, Rhizoecus sp.Root mealybugs belonging to Rhizoecus spp. are commonly found on banana, but much less damaging than Geococcus spp. 11 images |
Solenopsis mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsisSolenopsis mealybug has a wide host range and is found on several plants, including banana. 19 images |
Tailed mealybug, Ferrisia virgataTailed mealybug is a highly polyphagous pest on several hosts including banana and affects both foliage and fruits. 21 images |
Pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutusThe pink hibiscus mealybug, a highly polyphagous pest, is commonly found infesting banana fruits in South India. 14 images |
Jack Beardsley Mealybug, Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyiThe Jack Beardsley mealybug is an invasive species recently reported from South India and it has become a common but minor pest of banana fruits. 22 images |
Fruit mealybug, Rastrococcus iceryoidesRastrococcus iceryoides is a major pest of banana bunches in some cultivars 17 images |
Pink pineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus brevipesDysmicoccus brevipes is a common pest of banana and is usually found on natural cavities and roots. 6 images |
Grey pineapple mealybug, Dysmicoccus neobrevipesThis is an emerging pest of banana bunches in some parts of South India. 11 images |
Black scale, Saissetia nigraBlack scales are occasional pests on leaves and sometimes even fruits during summer. 35 images |
Nigra scale, Parasaissetia nigraThis is a minor pest of banana commonly found in small numbers on the leaf around the petiole. 8 images |
Coccus hesperidumBrown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum, is commonly found on banana foliage, but in very few numbers and does not cause economic damage 9 images |
Wax scale, Ceroplastes sp.Wax scales are commonly seen on banana, but rarely reach damage causing levels. 2 images |
Banana whitefly, Aleurolobus musaeBanana whitefly is a very common but economically unimportant pest. 16 images |
Spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus dispersusSpiralling whitefly is an introduced pest in India with a wide range of host plants including banana and occasionally serious. 10 images |
Rugose spiralling whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatusRugost spiralling whitefly, a recent invasive pest in South India, has many hosts, but banana and coconut are its most preferred host plants. 90 images |
Banana mirid bug, Prodromus clypeatusProdromus clypeatus is endemic to some parts of Kerala and South India and causes damage symptoms on leaves similar to lacewing bugs. 6 images |
Leaf caterpillar, Spodoptera lituraSpodoptera litura, the leaf caterpillar, has several host plants and is a major pest of bananas in all banana growing areas. 82 images |
Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperdaFall armyworm is primarily a pest of maize and sorghum and polyphagous on several host plants including banana 30 images |
Banana skipper, Erionota torusErionota torus, the banana skipper, until recently restricted to the northern and northeastern parts, has emerged as a serious pest in peninsular India. 65 images |
Banana bagworm, Kophene cupreaKophene cuprea is one of the most common pests of banana and the damage is common and usually confined to isolated patches. 39 images |
Hairy caterpillar, Olepa riciniOlepa ricini is one of the most common pests of banana foliage and feeds on a variety of host plants. 19 images |
Hairy caterpillar, Olene mendosaOlene mendosa is a common pest of banana foliage and its infestation is usually confined to localized patches. 13 images |
Hairy caterpillar, Somena scintillansSomena scintillans is one of the many hairy caterpillars feeding on banana fruit and foliage and occasionally causes serious economic damage. 50 images |
Hairy caterpillar, Euproctis fraternaEuproctis fraterna is one of many hairy caterpillars feeding on banana fruit and foliage and occasionally causes serious economic damage. 11 images |
Hairy caterpillar, Amata passalisThis is a common hairy caterpillar on banana foliage and causes skeletonization and drying of leaves. 18 images |
Banana slug caterpillar, Miresa decedensThis is an endemic, occasionally serious pest in Kerala. The damage symptoms are similar to those caused by other lepidopteran pests. 3 images |
Slug caterpillars, Spatulifimbria sppLarvae of Spatulifimbria spp. are occasionally found feeding on banana leaves. 16 images |
Fruit fliesFruit flies are economically less important on banana as the flies do not prefer to lay eggs on green bananas. 16 images |
Fruit spotting bug, Physomerus grossipesFruit spotting bugs are sporadic pests of banana fruit in Maharashtra. 3 images |
Spider mite, Oligonychus indicusSpider mite, Oligonychus indicus, a polyphagous pest, is serious on banana during summer and the symptom of damage is characteristic. 32 images |
Red spider mites, Tetranychus sppSpider mites are serious pests of banana foliage during summer 5 images |
Oriental red mite, Eutetranychus orientalisOriental red mite is a minor but occasionally serious pest of banana foliage during summer. 30 images |
Red mite, Raoiella indicaRaoiella indica, a polyphagous mite pest, is a serious problem during summer months on banana and has many natural enemies. 45 images |
Minor pestsMinor pests like chafer beetles and weevils are common on bananas and plantains and seldom require any control measures. 4 images |
Cerambycid beetle, Sybra praeustaThis a minor and sporadic pest of bananas in Tamil Nadu and the larvae bore into the leaf sheaths and cause yellowing and drying of outer leaves. 27 images |
Cerambycid beetle, Ropica signataImmature stages and adults of this cerambycid beetle are found inside the leaf sheath and outer layers of pseudostem of old plants of banana. 9 images |
Cercopid, Phymatostetha deschampsiPhymatosetha deschampsi is a minor sucking pest on banana foliage in Kerala and some other parts of South India. 4 images |
Rhinoceros beetle, Oryctes rhinocerosAdults of rhinoceros beetle, a major pest of coconut and other palms, sometimes feed on banana stem and fruits. 6 images |
Neorthacris spGrasshopper, Neorthacris sp. is common in banana ecosystem and occasionally causes damage by feeding on the foliage. 14 images |