Pseudostem weevil, Odoiporus longicollis

Pseudostem weevil is one of the most destructive pests of banana in India and many other parts of the world.
odoiporus-grub1  Mature larva of pseudostem weevil DSC 0521  Banana stem with holes covered with gummy exudate DSC 0523  Tunnelling by pseudostem weevil DSC 0524  Banana stem with hole covered with gummy exudate
psw  Holes on banana stem covered with larval frass and slimy exudate DSC 0525  Banana stem with hole covered with gummy exudate DSC 0527  Banana stem with holes covered with gummy exudate DSC 0529  Banana stem with hole covered with gummy exudate
odoiporus-symptom  Banana stem with gummy exudate DSC 0305  Banana infested by pseudostem weevil Odoiporus-damage-NRCB  Banana pseudostem weevil damage DSC 0202  Banana stem with holes covered with gummy exudate
odoip-eggs  Eggs of pseudostem weevil inside odoiporus-egg  Egg of pseudostem weevil, magnified odoip-eggs1  Egg of pseudostem weevil, magnified odo-egg  Egg of pseudostem weevil, magnified
odoi-egg  Egg of pseudostem weevil, magnified odo  Early instar larva of pseudostem weevil odoiporus-grub  Mature larva of pseudostem weevil pseudostem-borer (1)  Larva of pseudostem weevil
odoiporus-grub4  Mature larva of pseudostem weevil odoiporus-larva  Full grown larva of pseudostem weevil pseudostem-borer (2)  Larva of pseudostem weevil odoi-cocoon1  Pupa of stem weevil
odoi-cocoon2  Pupa of stem weevil odoi-cocoon  Fibrous cocoon / pupal case DSC 1520  Pupal cases of pseudostem weevil pupa  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon)
pupa1  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon) pupa2  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon) pupa 3  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon) 3  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon)
2  Naked pupa of pseudostem weevil (shown without fibrous cocoon) New-Out99998-Do Soft Stack[1,0,1] (4)  Adult odoiporus  Adult weevil odo-black-cz  Adult
Odoi W.b  Adult weevil odoi wb1  Adult weevil odoi wb2  Adult weevil odoi wb v  Adult
odoi l  Adult, lateral view red-odo  Adult, dorsal view odo-pron  Pronotum (enlarged) odo-rr  Adult
odd  Adult oddi  Adult odoi-malesn  Rostrum in male - dorsal view odoi-malesnout  Rostrum in male - lateral view
pygidium-male-od  Pygidium in male DSC 0652  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil. pseudostemtrap1  Preparation of split stem trap for monitoring banana weevils pseudostemtrap2  Banana stem is longitudinally cut into pieces which are used for trapping / monitoring.
pseudostemtrap3  Longitudinally split stem trap pseudostemtrap4  Preparation of split stem trap Stem trap1  Disc-on-stump traps with trapped weevils Stem trap2  Pseudostem weevil damage
DSC 0308  Pseudostem weevil damage DSC 0307  Preparation of disc on stump trap DSC 0651  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil. DSC 0650  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil.
DSC 0646  Longitudinally split pseudostem pieces can be used as traps for monitoring and trapping of banana pseudostem weevil. DSC 0621  Disc-on-stump traps can also be used for monitoring and trapping of pseudostem weevil and are better than longitudinally split traps. DSC 0618  Disc-on-stump traps can also be placed at the base of banana clumps for monitoring and trapping of pseudostem weevil @25 traps / acre.