Banana flower thrips, Thrips hawaiiensis

Flower thrips infest the flowers and young fruits and affected fruits are scarred with reduced market value.
thrips-hawaiiensis (4)  Flower thrips, adult Frozen  Oviposition damage by flower thrips on banana fruit thrips-eggs  Eggs of flower thrips on flower tg  Egg of flower thrips, magnified
thr  Eggs of flower thrips on banana flower thrips-flower (4)  Flower thrips, adult thrips-flower (3)  Flower thrips, adult thrips-hawaiiensis (2)  Flower thrips, adult
thrips-hawaiiensis (3)  Flower thrips, adult thrips-flower (2)  Flower thrips, adult thrips-hawaiiensis (1)  Flower thrips, nymph thrips-flower (1)  Flower thrips, nymph
image0105  Flower thrips, nymph image0104  Flower thrips, nymph DSC 1083  Flower thrips on banana tgfdh  Fruit scarring damage due to flower thrips
asfgh  Scars on fruit caused by thrips asghjl  Thrips damage on banana fruit wryip  Fruit damage due to thrips thrips-damage  Fruit scarring caused by thrips
thrips-damage1  Scarring damage by thrips thrips-damage2  Scarring damage by thrips on banana fruits