Banana leaf thrips, Helionothrips kadaliphilus

Leaf thrips are common pests of banana and occasionally also cause fruit damage.
helio  Banana leaf thrips Damage-thrips (2)  Bronzy and silvery areas formed on banana leaf caused by thrips feeding Damage-thrips (1)  Bronzy  areas formed on banana leaf by thrips leaf-thrips-damage (1)  Leaf damage caused by thrips feeding
leaf-thrips-damage (2)  Banana leaf showing damage due to thrips Montage  Leaf thrips damage on fruit leaf-thrips-damage-on-fruit (1) leaf-thrips-damage-on-fruit (2)
leaf-thrips-on-fruit  Nymphs of leaf thrips feeding on banana fruit Helionothrips-on-fruit (2) Helionothrips-on-fruit (3) Helionothrips-on-fruit (4)
Helionothrips-on-fruit (7) Helionothrips-on-fruit (5) Helionothrips-on-fruit (6) Helionothrips-on-fruit (1)
Leaf-thrips-damage4  Leaf thrips damage on fruit leaf-thrips-damage3  Leaf thrips damage on fruit leaf-thrips-damage2  Leaf thrips damage on fruit Leaf-thrips-damage5  Leaf thrips damage on fruit
leaf-thrips-damage-1  Leaf thrips damage on fruit leaf-thrips-damage  Leaf thrips damage on fruit leaf-thrips  Leaf thrips damage on fruit thrips  Banana leaf damage due to thrips
image0051  Leaf damage due to thrips image0072  Nymph of H. kadaliphilus image0068  Nymph of H. kadaliphilus image0053
image0071 thr leaf-thrips-banana1 leaf-thrips-banana2
Helionothrips-nymphs-fruit (1)  Nymphs of banana leaf thrips feeding on fruit Helionothrips-nymphs-fruit (5)  Nymphs of banana leaf thrips feeding on fruit Helionothrips-nymphs-fruit (4)  Nymph of banana leaf thrips feeding on fruit Helionothrips-nymphs-fruit (3)  Nymphs of banana leaf thrips feeding on fruit
Helionothrips-nymphs-fruit (2)  Nymphs of banana leaf thrips feeding on fruit thrips  Banana leaf damage due to thrips thrips1  Banana leaf damage due to thrips leafthrips  Banana leaf thrips
th  Banana leaf thrips thrips2  Banana leaf thrips lt  Banana leaf thrips helionothrips
thrips5  Banana leaf thrips thrips3  Banana leaf thrips heliono  Leaf thrips on banana fruit image0235  Leaf thrips on banana fruit
image0234  Banana leaf thrips New-Out99998-Do Soft Stack[1,0,1]  Adult of leaf thrips