A single plant selection belonging to Pisang Awak (ABB) subgroup. The average bunch weight is 37 kgs and has a potential to yield upto 45 kgs under good manangement practices. It gives 40 per cent higher yield than local Karpuravalli. Crop duration is 14 - 15 months and yield remains stable even in ratoons. Exhibits field tolerance to Sigatoka leaf spot and nematodes. The cylindrical bunch and well spaced hands makes it suitable for long distance transportation and less prone to fruit damage during transit. It has high sugar content with 31oB with harmonious blend of acidity and sweetness and hence suitable for making banana fig and juice.
NRCB, Trichy designated as one of the National Active Germplasm Sites (NAGS) and has the responsibility of conserving Musa diversity. Ex situ conservation is being done in field with in vitro, seed and DNA banks.
ICAR - National Research Centre for Banana, Trichy serves as the national repository for banana and plantains, involved in collection of banana germplasm from India and abroad. Systematic characterization has led to the establishment of a core collection with 310 accessions representing entire banana diversity. The centre has identified six new species and landraces. The entire germplasm is conserved in field gene banks which is one of the Asia’s largest gene banks. Some of the delicate accessions are conserved in the Satellite field gene Bank maintained at Agali, Kerala of ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute. NRC for Banana also maintains DNA bank and cell lines bank while the in-vitro and cryo gene banks are being maintained in collaboration with ICAR-NBPGR, New Delhi.
With concerted efforts, the centre has released three high yielding varieties namely Udhayam, Saba and Bangrier which are known for leaf spot resistance, tolerance to drought and salt stress and short duration respectively. In addition, three more varieties are in the pipeline for release. The varieties are Namwa Khom, an extremely dwarf variety which does not require propping suitably fit for cyclone prone coastal area; Popoulou, which is rich in carotenoids and suitable for preparing value added products and a Manoranjitham selection with high yield and a fragrant variant.
With the help of embryo rescue technology and embryo culture protocol, we have enhanced the hybrid seed regeneration. Out of 1000’s of hybrid seeds obtained, two Nendran based hybrids with higher yield, high PVA content (23%) and tolerance to Fusarium wilt race-1 and two Saba based hybrids with higher yield, mealy cooking texture and drought tolerance are in advance field trials. Two Rasthali mutants and one Cavendish mutant resistant to fusarium wilt race 1 were identified through field screening in sick plots which are going to be screened for TR-4 in endemic areas.
Low cost, farmer friendly macropropagation method (Kela Vruddhi), for mass multiplication of elite clones has been developed. Variety centric and low cost TC protocols were developed.The centre has established ECS for major commercial varieties and an Bioreactor to multiply the ECS is being tested for its commercial feasibility. With international collaboration, the Centre has developed biofortified bananas enriched with vitamin A, iron and also virus resistant transgenic lines which are under confined field trials.
ICAR-NRCB has developed MusatransSSR and Musa Transcriptome databases with wider applications for the scientific community. DUS guidelines have been developed and notified in the gazette.