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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Contingency Plans

Contingency Plans

Due to salinity and sodicity of soil, the Banana plants may suffer from marginal chlorosis and necrosis of older leaves, lesser proliferation of roots and an yield reduction by about 30%. This problem may be rectified by applying 0.5 kg of gypsum + 15 kg of FYM along with 120 % recommended potassium per plant. The water drainage facility of the land should be improved to leach down the excess sodium and salts.

  • Open deep trenches between the plant rows for improving the drainage condition of the land.
  • Give foliar spray of 2% potassium sulphate. After 15 days, give another foliar spray of 1% potassium nitrate.
  • At the bunch development stage, give 2% potassium sulphate spray on bunch, two times with 15 day interval.
  • During flood, the possibility of outbreak of Sigatoka leaf spot is more. As a prophylactic measure, give 0.1 per cent Propiconozole, 0.2 per cent Carbendazim and 0.25 per cent Mancozeb foliar sprays with 15 day intervals between each spray.

Banana crop cannot tolerate wind speeds of even 30 km/hr. Proper propping with bamboo or casuarina poles is required to avoid lodging during windy seasons. The supporting poles should be tied against the peduncle of developing bunches to protect the plant from lodging and to bear the weight of developing bunches.

  • The appearance of small holes and oozing out of gummy substances and fecal matter reveals the presence of stem weevil damage in Banana.
  • Give monochrotophos (150ml monochrotophos + 350ml water) injection.
  • If ratooning is adopted, remove and destroy the mother plants after bunch harvest.

  • In regions where the night temperature drops below 5°C during winter, protect bunches with 100 gauge polythene sleeves with ventilation.

  • Drench the soil around the plant with 2% bleaching powder solution during summer to prevent Erwinia rot caused by high soil temperatures.

  • For wilt-affected plants, drench the soil with 2% carbendazim solution and uproot and destroy affected plants. Apply lime to the soil after uprooting.
  • Disinfect implements used on affected plants with spirit before using on healthy plants.

  • Use drip irrigation during water scarcity in summer months.
  • Apply plant waste mulches like Banana leaf, sugarcane trashes, or paddy straw to conserve soil moisture.
  • Use a foliar spray of acetyl salicylic acid + Butylated Hydroxy Toluene to alleviate effects of soil moisture deficit stress during critical growth stages.

Protect the fruit peduncle from sun scorching by covering it with a 'boot leaf' that emerges just before the bunch.

Provide mechanical support to banana plants against wind by using double pole support with bamboo or casuarina poles during windy seasons.

Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: