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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Dr. R. Selvarajan

Crop Protection
Plant Virology
Ph. D.
  1. Complete genomes sequencing of banana bunchy top virus, banana bract mosaic virus, banana streak Mysore virus and banana streak OL virus was done
  2. Coat proteins of BBTV, BBrMV, BSMYV and CMV were expressed in bacterial system and produced polyclonal antisera for diagnosis.
  3. PCR, RT-PCR, Multiplex PCR, NASH and ELISA based detection technologies have been developed for the detection of banana viruses.
  4. Developed virus genome derived promoter constructs, RNAi constructs for using replicase gene of BBTV, RNAi construct for multiple virus genes (BBTV, CMV and BBrMV) besides rep and cp gene construct for BBTV.
  5. Developed 13 transgenic lines of Hill banana resistant to BBTV throughAgrobacterium mediated genetic transformation
  6. Developed management technology for bract mosaic virus disease.
  7. As accredited Molecular Virology lab virus testing is being done for TC banana plants.
  1. 2020: Awarded best oral paper presentation award for the paper authored by R. Selvarajan.2020. “Virus diagnostics and impact of certification of tissue culture banana plants in India”. Presented in International conference on “Innovations in Sustainable production and value chain management in banana”, organized ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India and Bioversity International in association with Society for promotion of Horticulture, IIHR, Bengaluru. 22–25 February 2020.
  2. 2020: Awarded best poster presentation award for the paper authored by Sundaram, S., Balasubramanian, V. and Selvarajan R. 2020. Detection and characterization of Banana bunchy top virus, single stranded DNA virus infecting banana using Oxford nanopore MinION sequencing. Presented in International conference on “Innovations in Sustainable production and value chain management in banana”, organized ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India and Bioversity International in association with Society for promotion of Horticulture, IIHR, Bengaluru. 22–25 February 2020.
  3. 2020: Awarded best poster presentation award for the paper authored by Sangita, V., Sundaram, S., Savithri. H.S., and Selvarajan R. 2020. Structural studies on coat protein of banana bunchy top virus. Presented in International conference on “Innovations in Sustainable production and value chain management in banana”, organized ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB), Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India and Bioversity International in association with Society for promotion of Horticulture, IIHR, Bengaluru. 22–25 February 2020.
  4. 2019: Fellow of Horticultural Society of India (FHSI); Horticultural Society of India, New Delhi
  5. 2019: Jeersannidhi Award from Indian phytopathological society, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi 110012.
  6. 2016: Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences (FNABAS); National Academy of Biological Sciences, Chennai
  7. 2016: Fellow of Phytopathological Society of Indian (FPSI); Indian Phytopathological Society, New Delhi
  8. 2015: DST-Lockheed Martin-India Innovation growth program award. (Gold Medal with 1.0 lakh cash prize, received from Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Hon’ble Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, GOI for Development of efficient cost effective detection kit for banana viruses: Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India; Lockheed Martin Corporation; Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry; Stanford Graduate School of Business and the IC2 Institute at the University of Texas
  9. 2015: Fellow of Indian Virological Society (FIVS) for outstanding contribution to Plant Virology; Indian Virological Society, New Delhi.
  10. 2014: Fellowship of CHAI for commitment to the furtherance of horticulture/ agriculture Confederation of Horticulture Associations of India, New Delhi.
  11. 2011: Hari Om Ashram Trust award for the biennium for contribution in the field of Crop and Horticulture sciences for the outstanding research work on “Molecular characterization and diagnostics for banana viruses and viral disease management” ICAR, New Delhi.
  12. 2008: Fellow of AIPUB for outstanding contribution to banana research and development; Association for Improvement in Production and Utilization of banana (AIPUB), Tiruchirapalli.
  13. 2008: Best poster presentation award for a poster paper entitled on “Evaluation of imazalil (Fungaflor) an post-harvest diseases and shelf life of banana cv Grand Nain”. Presented in National seminar on “Advances in plant pathology for sustainable agriculture” held at TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu during 24 – 25th November, 2008
  14. 2007: Best poster presentation award for a poster paper on “Erwinia head rot: An emerging problem in tissue culture banana in India”. Presented in National Conference on Banana: “Production and utilization of banana for economic livelihood and nutrional security” held at Trichy, Tamil Nadu, during 25 – 28th October, 2007.
  15. 2001: Best Research –cum-Extension award, All India Radio Farmer’s Association, Tiruchirapalli, TN.
  16. 2002- 2004: Served as FAO-consultant (Crop protection specialist) for a project operated on banana from 2002- 2004 in India.
  1. Selvarajan, R. Balasubramanian, V., Priyanka, P., Manohar Jebakumar, R., Prasanya Selvam K. and Uma. S. 2020. Evidence of seed transmission of Banana bract mosaic virus in Musa synthetic diploid H-201, a possible threat to banana breeding. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 156, 1181–1187.
  2. Manohar Jebakumar, R. and Selvarajan. R. 2018. Biopriming of microprapagated banana plants at pre- or post-BBTV inoculation stage with rhizosphere and endophytic bacteria determines their ability to induce systemic resistance against BBTV in cultivar Grand Naine, Biocontrol Science and Technology, 28:11, 1074-1090.
  3. Manohar Jebakumar, R., Balasubramanian, V and Selvarajan, R. 2018. Virus titre determines the efficiency of Pentalonia nigronervosa (Aphididae: Hemiptera) to transmit banana bunchy top virus. Virus Disease, 29(4), 499-505.
  4. Anuradha, C. and Selvarajan. R. 2018. Molecular characterization of banana bract mosaic virus from India reveals recombination and positive selection in the VPg gene. Journal of Plant Pathology. 100:3; 523–531.
  5. R. Selvarajan, V. Balasubramanian, K.J Jeyabaskaran, & M.M. Mustaffa. 2017. Yield loss management through fertilizers in Banana bract mosaic virus affected French plantain cv. Nendran (AAB). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(8); 1055-1061.
  6. Selvarajan. R. and Balasubramanian, V. 2017. First report of banana bract mosaic virus in banana in Assam, India. Journal of Plant Pathology. 99(2)384.
  7. Bhat, A.I. Hohn, T., and Selvarajan, R. 2016. Badnaviruses: The Current Global Scenario. Viruses. 8(6):177;1-29.
  8. Selvarajan. R., Balasubramanian, V. and Gayathrie, T. 2016. Highly efficient immunodiagnosis of episomal Banana streak MY virus (BSMYV) using polyclonal antibodies raised against recombinant viral associated protein. Journal of Phytopathology. 164,497-508.
  9. Selvarajan. R., Balasubramanian, V. 2016. First Report of Banana mild mosaic virus infecting banana in India. Plant Disease (doi:
  10. Selvarajan. R., Balasubramanian, V. and Sasireka, T. 2015. A simple, rapid and solvent free nucleic acid extraction protocol for detection of banana bunchy top virus by polymerase chain reaction and loop-mediated isothermal amplification. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 142:389-396.
  11. Anuradha, C., Balasubramanian, V. and Selvarajan R. 2015. Sequence Motif Comparison and Homology Modeling of Helper Component Proteinase (HC-Pro) of Banana bract mosaic virus. Plant Pathology Journal. 14 (3): 123-129.
  12. Lava Kumar, P., Selvarajan, R., Iskra-Caruana, M-L., Chabannes, M. and Hanna, R.2015. Biology, Etiology, and Control of Virus Diseases of Banana and Plantain. Advances in Virus Research. 91, 229-269.
  13. Elayabalan, S., Subramaniam, S. and Selvarajan, R. 2015. Banana bunchy top disease (BBTD) symptom expression in banana and strategies for transgenic resistance. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. 27 (1): 55-74.
  14. Balasubramanian, V. and Selvarajan, R. 2014. Genetic diversity and recombination analysis in the coat protein gene of banana bract mosaic virus. Virus genes. 48(3):509-17.
  15. Elayabalan, S., Kalaiponmani, K., Subramaniam, S., Selvarajan, R., Panchanathan, R., Muthuvelayoutham, R., Kumar, K.K. and Balasubramanian, P.2013. Development of Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of highly valued hill banana cultivar Virupakshi (AAB) for resistance to BBTV disease. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 29 (4):589-96.
  16. Balasubramanian, V. and Selvarajan, R. 2012. Complete genome sequence of a banana bract mosaic virus isolate infecting the French plantain cv. Nendran in India. Archives of Virology. 157:397-400.
  17. Selvarajan, R., Mary Sheeba, M. and Balasubramanian, V. 2011. Simultaneous detection of episomal Banana streak Mysore virus and Banana bunchy top virus using multiplex RT–PCR. Current Science. 100 (1): 31-34.
  18. Selvarajan, R., Mary Sheeba, M., Balasubramanian, V., Rajmohan, R, Lakshmi Dhevi, N. Sasireka, T. 2010. Molecular Characterization of Geographically Different Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) Isolates in India. Indian Journal of Virology, 21(2): 110–116.
  19. Uma, S., Siva, S.A., Saraswathi, M.S., Manikavasagam, M., Durai, P., Selvarajan, R. and Sathiamoorthy. S.2006. Variation and intraspecific relationships in Indian wild Musa balbisiana (BB) population as evidenced by random amplified polymorphic DNA. Genetic resources and crop evolution. 53: 349-355.
  20. Venkataraman, S. and Selvarajan, R. 2019. Recent advances in understanding the replication initiator protein of the DNA plant viruses of the family Nanoviridae. Virus Disease. 10.1007/s13337-019-00514-9.
  21. Haokip, B.D., Alice, D., Selvarajan, R., Nagendran, K., Rajendran, L., Manoranjitham, S.K. and Karthikeyan G. 2018. Production of polyclonal antibodies for Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) infecting chilli in India through recombinant nucleocapsid protein expression and its application. Journal of Virological methods, 258:1-6.
  22. Venkataraman, S., Prasad, B. V. L. S., and Selvarajan, R. 2018. RNA Dependent RNA Polymerases: Insights from Structure, Function and Evolution. Viruses, 10(2), 76.
  23. Biswas, C. Dey, P. Selvarajan, R., Bera, A., Mitra, S. and Satpathy, S.2016. First Report of Corchorus golden mosaic virus (CoGMV) Infecting Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) in India. Plant Disease, 100:2, 541.
  24. Manimekalai, R., Soumya, V.P., Sathish kumar, R., Selvarajan, R., Reddy, M.K., Thomas, G.V., Sasikala, M, Rajeev, G., and Baranwal, V. K. 2010. Molecular detection of 16SrXI group phytoplasma associated with root (wilt) disease of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in India. Plant Disease. 94:5, 636.
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