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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
Institute Logo

Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility

Our Facility is equipped with sophisticated analytical equipment for meeting the needs of Scientists as well as farmers.



  • High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES)
  • Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)
  • Gamma Chamber 2000/ BI 2000
HPLC Instrument


High-performance liquid chromatography

ICP-OES Instrument


Inductively Coupled Plasma – Optical Emission Spectrometer



Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry


GC 2000/ BI 2000

Gamma Chamber 2000/ BI 2000

Know our Equipments

Explore our advanced analytical equipment and facilities designed to meet your research and analytical needs. Our equipment and facilities are trusted tools for researchers, scientists, and industry professionals seeking precise analysis and innovative solutions.

HPLC Image

Instrument Detail

Make M/s. Waters Corporation, USA
Model 515 binary pump, 717 plus autosampler, C18 (universal) Column and 2998 PDA detector
Specifications Phytochemicals analyses

Working Principle

Liquid chromatography is a separation technique in which the components (biochemical / analytes) to be separated are distributed between two phases, one of which is stationary phase while the other (the mobile phase) is a liquid that moves in a definite direction. Different components of a sample are transported in the mobile phase through a stationary phase. Analytes usually have differential interactions with the mobile and stationary phases. Since the stationary phase is the fixed one, then those solutes, which have stronger interactions with the stationary phase will tend to move slower than others, which have lower or no interactions with the stationary phase will tend to move faster. Therefore, chromatographic separations depend on the strength of the interactions of the analytes with the phases. The time required for an analyte to travel through the column after injection till the analyte reaches the detector is termed the retention time (Rt).

The liquid chromatography separates biochemical compounds based on various physical and/or chemical interactions taking place between the sample/ molecules/ substances and the stationary phase...


Plant samples, Food samples and Microbial samples.

Quantitative and qualitative analysis.

User Instructions

  • Both fresh and extracted samples are accepted.
  • If fresh samples, sample weight should be 5-10 g and samples extraction of a particular biochemical (metabolites) should be informed.
  • If extracted samples, sample volume should be 3.0 - 5.0 ml completely free from impurities and extraction method should be informed.
  • Type / class of biochemical / metabolite to be analysed should be informed.
  • Composition of mobile phase(s), if known, may be informed for a particular class of biochemical / metabolites.
  • User Charges

    Nature of samples ICAR-NRCB Govt.R&D Lab.including Colleges Private
    Liquid samples ready to inject in the HPLC Rs.800/- Rs.1000/- Rs.1500/-
    Samples requiring extraction and processing Rs.1000/- Rs.1200/- Rs.1800/-

    Proforma for HPLC analysis

    Proforma for HPLC analysis from other institute/organization
    Proforma for HPLC analysis for ICAR-NRCB

    Contact Person

    Dr. M. Mayilvaganan
    Principal Scientist
    National Research Centre for Banana
    Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post
    Trichy 620102, Tamil Nadu.


    Instrument details

    Model : Prodigy 7 (Teledyne Leman Lab)


    a) Focal length 500mm
    b) Entrance Slit Focal length 60um
    c) Image Stabilized Plasma Yes
    d) Optical Resolution (pm) 0.007nm @ 200nm
    e) 1st measurement from standby 10-15 minutes
    f) Need Correction for EIEs No
    g) RF Generator Frequency 40.68MHz
    h) RF Power 600-2000W
    i) Camera CMOS- 3.34MegaPixels
    j) Detector L-PAD
    k) Pixels Anti-Blooming and Anti-Saturating Yes
    l) Spectral Range 165nm – 1100nm
    m) Camera Cooling for Reduced Noise -30C
    n) Optics Purge 0.7L/min
    o) Increase purge for <185nm Not Required
    p) Axial/Dual View Tail Cut Air Knife – Zero Maintenance

    Working Principle

    Inductively Coupled Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP- AES) is an emission spectrophotometric technique, exploiting the fact that excited electrons emit energy at a given wavelength as they return to ground state after excitation by high temperature Argon Plasma. The fundamental characteristic of this process is that each element emits energy at specific wavelengths peculiar to its atomic character. The energy transfer for electrons when they fall back to ground state is unique to each element as it depends upon the electronic configuration of the orbital. The energy transfer is inversely proportional to the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation,

    E = hc/ λ … (where h is Planck’s constant, c the velocity of light and λ is wavelength), and hence the wavelength of light emitted is also unique.

    Although each element emits energy at multiple wavelengths, in the ICP-AES technique it is most common to select a single wavelength (or a very few) for a given element. The intensity of the energy emitted at the chosen wavelength is proportional to the amount (concentration) of that element in the sample being analyzed. Thus, by determining which wavelengths are emitted by a sample and by determining their intensities, the analyst can qualitatively and quantitatively find the elements from the given sample relative to a reference standard.

    The wavelengths used in AES ranges from the upper part of the vacuum ultraviolet (160 nm) to the limit of visible light (800 nm). As borosilicate glass absorbs light below 310 nm and oxygen in air absorbs light below 200 nm, optical lenses and prisms are generally fabricated from quartz glass and optical paths are evacuated or filled by a non absorbing gas such as Argon.


    ICP-OES is used for a wide range of applications in the following industries:

    • Environmental
    • Oil Analysis
    • Pharmaceutical
    • Food
    • Petrochemical
    • Mining
    • BioFuels
    • Soil samples
    • Plant tissue samples

    Charges in Rs.(inclusive of GST)

    Test Industry University National Lab/ R&Ds Quantity
    Standardization & Estimation 1475/- 295/- 708/- Per sample
    Estimation for subsequent sample 531/- 118/- 472/- Per sample
    Sample preparation 3835/- 885/- 1770/- Per sample

    Proforma for ICP-OES analysis

    Proforma for ICP-OES analysis from other institute/organization
    Proforma for ICP-OES analysis for ICAR-NRCB

    Contact Person

    Principal Scientist,
    National Research Centre for Banana
    Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post
    Trichy 620102, Tamil Nadu.

    GC-MS Image

    Instrument Detail

    Model Agilent Technologies 7890 B GC System / 5977 A MSD (Mass spectral Detector) / Electron Ionization method / NIST Library for identification of compounds
    Make Agilent Technologies 7890B GC system/5977A MSD
    Software Mass hunter
    Column Type Capillary Column HP-5 (Cross bond, 5% Phenyl and 95% dimethylpolysiloxane)
    Column length 30m
    Column ID 250µm
    Total GC Run Time 40.50 minutes

    GC-MS Principle

    The GC-MS instrument consists of two main components. The gas chromatography portion separates different compounds in the sample into pulses of pure chemicals based on their volatility by flowing an inert gas (Mobile phase), which carries the sample, through a stationary phase fixed in the column...

    MS conditions

    Mass Range 20-550amu
    Mode Full Scan Mode
    Type of Ionization Electron Ionization (EI)
    Electron energy 70eV
    Transfer line and source temperature 230ºC
    Library NIST 2014


    This facility can be used for the identification of semi-volatile and volatile organic compounds (minimum sample size required is 2 µl)...

    User Instruction

    The samples should be prepared by standard extraction and clean-up procedure in consultation with the National Reference Laboratory.

    Charges in Rs. (inclusive of GST)

    Test Amount Quantity
    GCMS Analysis and preparation of report 3,540/- Per sample

    Proforma for GC-MS analysis

    Proforma for GC-MS analysis from other institute/organization
    Proforma for HPLC analysis for ICAR-NRCB

    Contact Person

    Dr. A. Mohanasundaram,
    Senior Scientist,
    National Research Centre for Banana,
    Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post,
    Trichy 620102, Tamil Nadu.

    Gamma Chamber Image

    Instrument Detail

    Model BI2000 with Co60 as source with its maximum capacity 30 TBq (810 Ci)
    Make BRIT, Mumbai


    Co60 source in the BI 2000/GC 2000 will emit gamma rays that have the potential to mutate any living cells or organs. The variability caused through mutagenesis can be exploited in improvement programs. The gamma rays have the potential to extend the shelf life of perishable commodities.


    Gamma Irradiation Chamber is versatile equipment used for research studies in fields such as:

    • Mutation Breeding
    • Irradiation of Seeds, Bulbs, Tubers, and Scions
    • Biological and Genetic Effects of Radiations
    • Sterile Male Insect Technique
    • Sterile Pollen technique
    • Post-harvest shelf life studies

    Gamma Irradiation Chamber can also be used in many other research applications which require irradiation of materials with ionizing radiations at varying doses.

    Testing in Gamma Chamber: One dose Rate

    Radiation Intensity (Gy) Govt. Institutions / Colleges / Students Private / Corporate Clients
    0 to 100 Rs.100.00 + GST Rs.500.00 + GST
    100 to 500 Rs.200.00 + GST Rs.1000.00 + GST
    500 to 1000 Rs.500.00 + GST Rs.1500.00 + GST
    > 1000 Rs.1000.00 + GST Rs.2000.00 + GST

    Contact Person

    Dr. M.S. Saraswathi,
    Principal Scientist,
    National Research Centre for Banana,
    Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post,
    Trichy 620102, Tamil Nadu.
    Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: