ICAR-IISWC, RC, Koraput and ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirappalli jointly organized one day training on Improved cultivation, Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Banana under SCSP project
ICAR NRC Banana organizes the VIROCON 2023 at Tiruchirappalli with a theme of “Advancements in Global Virus Research Towards One Health” on 01-12-2023 to 03-12-2023
ICAR-NRCB and Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthanorganized an award ceremony for the student winners of the Science competition from Tamil Nadu and Puducherry on 06.04.2022
Block-level Micro exhibition Kela Mela cum training programme to reaching the unreached - An Outreach initiative by ICAR-NRCB under SC & SP scheme on 15.3.2022
Reaching the un-reached – An off-campus capacity development programme cum distribution of planting materials of new banana varieties @ Bharat Ka Amrit Mahotsav on 31-12-2021
Capacity development programme in banana cultivation & academic and entrepreneurial opportunities in banana sector for Horticultural students of Karnataka state on 20-7-2021