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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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AICRP Fruits

ICAR- All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Fruits AICRP (F) 

The ICAR-All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits [ICAR-AICRP (Fruits)] under the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is a unique mechanism for testing and recommending the location and need-based technologies in Horticulture-Fruit Science, depending on the ago-climatic conditions, pan India. In this system, both the Central Research Institutes and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) work as a team through an interdisciplinary approach for the ten mandated fruit crops such as avacado, banana, citrus, guava, grapes, litchi, mango, jackfruit, papaya and sapota. ICAR-AICRP (F) project is co-ordinated by the Project Co-ordinator Unit AICRP (F) functioning at ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticulture Science (ICAR-IIHR), Bengaluru. ICAR – AICRP (F) aimed to empower the ICAR-National Research Centres (ICAR-NRCs) on banana, grapes and litchi and the ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute (ICAR-CCRI) for better coordination and scientific output of the respective mandate crops, besides effective utilization of resources. Accordingly, the project is operational at more than 50 different centres.

The centre: Tiruchirappalli (ICAR-NRCB) act as Nodal office for the crop: Banana. Presently seventeen trials in crop banana are being conducted under more than 18 AICRP (F) centres across India namely Arabhavi & Bengaluru (Karnataka), Bhubaneswar (Odisha), Coimbatore, Periyakulam & Tiruchirappalli. (Tamil Nadu), Gandevi (Gujarat), Jalgaon & Vengurle (Maharashtra), Jorhat (Assam), Kannara (Kerala), Kovvur & Pulivendula (Andhra Pradesh), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Ludhiana (Punjab), Mohanpur (West Bengal), Pusa & Sabour (Bihar), Udaipur (Rajasthan). According to the Technical Programme of crop: Banana as per the proceedings of XI Group Discussion of AICRP (F) held at NAU, Navsari, Gujarat during 22nd to 25th of January, 2024, there are five on-going trials at Tiruchirappalli centre. 
The centre is National Active Germplasm Site (NAGS) centre for the banana germplasm collection assigning the Indigenous Collection (IC) number in co-ordination with ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR). Data here implies passport data of the germplasm accession.
Passport Data include inter alia collector name, place of collection, crop, crop group, species, date of collection, other identity, biological status, collection source, important traits and mode of conservation. The centre serves as viral diseases diagnostic centre for the banana germplasm and mother plants used as planting material in the experimental trails to be free from viruses viz., BBrMV (Banana Bract Mosaic Virus), BBTV (Banana Bunchy Top Virus), BSV (Banana Streak Virus) and CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus).

There are totally six divisions/sessions under which a total of 17 trials are conducted in crop: banana at few or more centres involved in banana research, with selection of the centres for the trial to be conducted were based on the objective. They are 1. Management of genetic resources and Varietal Improvement, 2. Planting Density, Propagation and Rootstocks, 3. Nutrient and Water Management, 4. Growth, Development and Value Addition, 5. Pest Management - Insect Pests and Nematodes and 6. Disease Management (Annexure I). The Tiruchirappalli centre runs a trial in management of genetic resources namely collection, characterisation, conservation, evaluation and utilization of germplasm, in which a total of 579 germplasm accessions have been characterized with 241 duplicates identified. IC number has been assigned to 354 germplasm accessions and Safety Duplicate Sites (SDS) are being maintained.

Abstract of Banana germplasm maintained in Safety Duplicate Site (SDS)


  Places of germplasm collection

 SDS centre


Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Kovvur (Andhra) Meghalaya, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland

and Lembucherra, Tripura

Jorhat, Assam



Pusa, Bihar



Arabhavi, Karnataka


Kerala and IIHR, Bangalore (Karnataka)

Kannara Kerala


Andhra Pradesh

Kovvur,Andhra Pradesh


Tamil Nadu, IIHR Bangalore (Karnataka),

BRS, Kannara & NBPGR, Thrissur (Kerala)

and Hajipur (Bihar)

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu


Gujarat and NBPGR New Delhi

Gandevi, Gujarat



Jalgaon, Maharashtra



Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Port Blair, Andaman and

Nicobar Islands


West Bengal

Mohanpur, West Bengal

Under varietal improvement, two trials namely clonal selection in banana and evaluation of banana cultivars in non-traditional banana growing regions are being conducted and three Multi-Locational Trials (MLT) testing the banana hybrids NCR-17 and Manjeri Nendran (MLT-3), evaluation of banana dwarf Cavendish clones (AAA) TBM-9 and Phule Pride (MLT-4) were recently concluded and recommended. One new trial namely evaluation of new introductions of Banana (MLT5): NRCB Selection-18 (cooking type banana), NRCB Selection-14 (Grand Naine mutant dessert type banana), CO-3 (Hybrid dessert type banana) (MLT-5) is being conducted. A trial on alleviation of soil moisture deficit stress in banana, was concluded under nutrient and water management session with recommendation as in the event of water deficit, marketable banana bunches could be produced by foliar priming banana plants with acetyl salicylic acid (0.1mM) at critical stages. Assessment of phenology, productivity and incidence of insect pests and diseases in banana grown under varying climatic conditions trial is a long-term trial being conducted under growth development and value addition followed by a new trial on clump management technology for enhanced productivity in banana. In pest management, four trials two on survey of new and emerging insect pests and their natural enemies and plant parasitic nematodes associated with banana and another two trials on Biological management of nematodes in banana and management of Rugose Spiralling Whitefly, Aleurodicus rugioperculatus Martin (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in banana were conducted.  In disease management, four trials are being conducted namely; one survey trial on disease dynamics in banana, diagnosis trial of banana viruses in germplasm and planting material used in experiments, evaluation trial on bio formulation against Fusarium wilt in banana (Observation trial) and concluded trail on evaluation of BSV free (Episomal BSMyV) tissue culture banana cv. Poovan in which Episomal BSMyV was not recorded in the sucker crop of BSV free tissue culture Poovan and  significantly higher yield was obtained. ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirappalli, being the Nodal Centre has hosted the technical review and planning of research programme for the Session V and VI during the VIII, IX and X Group Discussions virtual meet. The Centre has been actively involved in hosting and participating in bio-diversity shows, transfer of technology to KVKs, centre visits, training, publications, co-ordination of planting material and input distribution, trial review meets, fund utilization, compilation and editing of annual and research reports. Totally 16 region-specific technologies were recommended for the mandate crop – Banana (2017-22) (Annexure II). AICRP (F) QRT visit (2017-2022) was made and the activity of the centre was summarized and presented during December, 2023.

Banana Breeding Network Program

Banana being a polyploid male and female sterile; improving this crop through conventional breeding approach is a laborious and time consuming task. Banana breeding in a network program has been initiated by the recommendation of 23rd RAC held on 14th-15th February, 2023. As a first step, the “Hands-on Training on Banana Breeding Techniques” was conducted jointly by ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana and ICAR-AICRP (F) during 28th to 29th December, 2023 and during 7th to 9th February, 2024 at ICAR-NRCB, Tiruchirappalli.
The program was inaugurated in the Farm Office of ICAR-NRCB with the participation of Horticulture/Agrl Breeding/ Agrl Biotechnology Scientists from ICAR- AICRP (F) centres at Arabhavi, Coimbatore, Kannara, Kovvur and Pusa.  The trainee Scientists were exposed to banana hybridization technique following which the Inaugural Meet was conducted in the Farm, ICAR-NRCB. Lectures on problems and strategies in banana breeding, breeding of ornamental banana, a glance on banana breeding – world scenario, seed anatomy and embryo culture, biotechnological approaches for early screening of breeding lines and resistance breeding in banana were given during the training. Demonstrations on harvesting and seed extraction, pollen viability, embryo culture, banana breeding tracker tool and ploidy determination were conducted. 
The participants gained both theoretical and practical knowledge in banana breeding and were provided with a manual for reference. The training was an eye-opener for all the participants on various aspects of banana breeding and a review paper was suggested to be written utilizing the resource input across ICAR-AICRP (F) centres. The program continues to be effectively established in AICRP (F) centres. 

Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: