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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Agricultural Operations

Agricultural Operations

  • Plough the land thoroughly at least 3-4 times and add about 10 tonnes of well-rotted FYM or compost during the last plough.

  • Select ‘Sword Suckers’ with broad corm from disease-free mother plants.
  • The suckers should be 3-5 months old, uniform in size, weighing 1-1.5 kg for certain varieties.

  • The selected suckers should be ‘pared’ by trimming all the roots and surface layers to remove any rotten portion of the corm.
  • Dip the pared suckers in 0.2% Carbendazim solution for about 15–20 minutes as a prophylactic measure against Fusarium wilt disease.
  • Plant the suckers in the center of the pit and press the soil around firmly.
  • Apply Carbofuron granules per pit to protect against nematode attack and irrigate thoroughly.
  • For tissue culture plants, apply Carbofuron and bleaching powder or Emissan in polythene bags to protect against nematode infestation and bacterial rot disease.

Calendar Of Operations

  • The soil around the plants should be pressed firmly for better and quick establishment of the plants.
  • Wherever necessary, ‘Gap Filling’ should be done to replace the un-sprouted as well as rotten suckers. Seeds of green manure crops viz., cowpea or sunnhemp be sown.
  • For additional income and effective land use efficiency, short duration crops such as onion, green gram, black gram, beans, radish, greens, marigold, and short duration vegetables can be grown as intercrop.
  • Tomato, chili, and cucurbits should not be grown as intercrop since these crops harbor nematodes and aphids, which act as vectors of virus spread.

  • Green manures viz., cowpea or sunnhemp should be ploughed back into the soil at the flowering stage or about 40 days after sowing.
  • Slight digging and earthing up to keep the weeds under control.
  • For Fusarium wilt susceptible varieties, drench the soil with Carbendazim or apply biological agents.

  • Application of Carbofuron to control nematodes.
  • Digging and weeding.
  • Application of fertilizers in basins made around the plant.

  • Application of biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers.
  • Periodical removal of side suckers.
  • Monitor and control virus-affected plants and insect vectors.

  • Application of second dose of fertilizers.
  • Removal of dried leaves and weeding.
  • Application of micronutrients.
  • Control measures for pests and diseases.

  • Digging and earthing up of soil.
  • Removal of dried and diseased leaves.
  • Application of fungicides and nutrients.
  • Control of stem weevil.

  • Application of third dose of fertilizers.
  • Removal of dried and diseased leaves.
  • Control of stem weevil and side suckers.

  • Management of suckers and pests.
  • Pruning and disease control.
  • Prevention of cigar end rot and other diseases.

  • Final care and support for mature plants.
  • Additional irrigation and support for heavy bearing bunches.

S.No Method of Planting Spacing (m) Plant Population/ha
i) Dwarf Cavendish 1.5x1.5 4440
ii) Robusta and Nendran 1.8x1.8 3080
iii) Rasthali, Poovan, Karpuravalli, Monthan 2.1x2.1 2260
a) Paired row planting system
i) Dwarf Cavendish
ii) Robusta, Grand Naine, Poovan, Rasthali and Ney Poovan
b) Three suckers/hill (Robusta, Nendran) 1.8x3.6 4500

Sl. Crop Growth Stage Duration (weeks) Quantity of Water (litre/plant)
1. After Planting / Ratoon 1-4 4-6
2. Juvenile Phase 5-9 8-10
3. Critical Growth Stage 10-19 12
4. Flower Bud Differentiation Stage 20-32 16-20
5. Shooting Stage 33-37 20 and above*
6. Bunch Development Stage 38-50 20 and above*

Weeks after Planting Urea Total (g/plant) MOP Total (g/plant)
9 to 18 weeks (10 weeks) 15 150 8 80
19 to 30 weeks (12 weeks) 10 120 10 120
31 to 40 weeks (10 weeks) 7 70 12 120
41 to 46 weeks (5 weeks) Nil Nil 10 50
Total ---- 340 ---- 375
Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: