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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Technologies Available for Commercialization

Technologies Available for Commercialization

Crop Improvement:
Sl.No Name of the Technology
1 Udhayam- A high yielding Pisang Awak type banana variety
2 Kaveri Sugantham - A high yielding fragrant banana variety
3 Kaveri Kalki - A new dwarf banana variety
4 Kaveri Saba - An exotic cooking banana variety
5 Kaveri Haritha - Dual type banana (Cooking + Dessert) for backyard gardens
6 Kaveri Kanya - High yielding cooking type banana
7 Embryogenic cell suspension technology for Hill banana (cv. Virupakshi)
8 Somatic embryogenesis techniques for cvs. Rasthali, Grand Naine, Nendran, Ney Poovan, Sabri
9 Low cost Tissue culture protocol for mass propagation of Musa cultivars Udhayam,
Grand Naine and Rasthali
10 Protocol for temporary immersion bioreactor system for efficient large scale
micropropagation of banana using shoot tip explants
11 A protocol for large scale production of Embryogenic Cell Suspension (ECS)
using bubble column bioreactor
12 Somatic Embryo Regeneration Vessel (SERV - A temporary immersion bioreactor)
13 Micro propagation of banana using temporary immersion bioreactors (Shoot tip and ECS explants)
14 Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension culture of Banana
15 Variety specific DNA markers for DNA finger printing
16 Macropropagation - Kela Vruddhi
17 MusatransSSR database
18 Variety specific tissue culture protocols for cvs. Udhayam (ABB),
Ney poovan (AB), Rasthali (AAB) and Sabri (AAB)
19 Direct regeneration of Banana from immature male flower bud for mass propagation
20 Establishment of embryogenic cell suspension (ECS) culture of Banana cv. Sabri
Fig. Crop Improvement - Technologies available for commerciliation
Crop production technology:
Sl.No Name of the Technology
1 Development of clump management technology for enhanced productivity in Banana
2 Alleviation of soil moisture deficit stress in banana
3 Management of finger drop in bananas
4 Banana Shakthi (L) - a liquid formulation of micronutrient mixture for banana
5 Fertilizer Tailoring equation for Banana Varieties
6 Ready Reckoner - Variety wise soil test based fertilizer recommendations
7 Enhancement of Green-life of Bananas using biochemicals (1-MCP)

Post-harvest technology:
Sl.No Name of the Technology
Fresh Produce
1 Pre and Post harvest protocol of Ney Poovan and Red Banana for export
2 Standardization of ripening agent for better ripening and sensory parameter of banana
Processed products using green banana
1 Minimal Processing of Cut Banana Slices
2 Low fat, flavoured banana chips
3 Standardization of pre-treatments and drying condition for banana flour
4 Banana flour production and related value added products
5 Flour based weaning food, health drinks
6 Extraction of starch from Banana
7 Process for modification of starch
8 Low Glycemic, Gluten free products using banana flour
9 Low glycemic gluten free pasta and Protein enriched banana
starch-based pasta & extruded products
10 Resistant starch rich bakery and confectionary products like bread, pizza and cookies
11 Process for making banana grits/ suji and flakes
Processed products using ripe banana
1 Dehydrated ripe banana(banana fig)/glazed ripe banana
2 Cost effective ripe banana powder
3 Banana sauce,sweet chutney
4 Ready to serve banana drink
5 Cost effective juice clarification methods
6 Fortified basil seed suspended banana juice
7 Fortified banana nutri-bars
8 Chilled banana sip-up
9 Functional banana ripe powder based confectionaries like doughnut, muffins, cake
10 Natural, no-preservative banana fruit vinegar
11 Low fat flavoured yogurt
Wealth from waste
1 Minimal processing of banana central core stem and flowers
2 Encapsulation of banana flower bracts derived anthocyanins
3 Designer Cookies from Banana Central Core Stem Powder
4 Banana central core (stem) juice based Ready-To-Serve (RTS) Beverage
5 Banana peel powder based muffin and confectionary products
6 Designer food products from banana wastes
7 Cellulose extraction from banana sheath fibers
8 Immune boosting banana low sodium pickles
9 Refreshing central core stem based soup mix
10 Nutraceutical banana flower-based health mix
11 Savoury instant ice-cream mix
12 Banana rhizome based products starch and ready toserve drink
13 Process for enzymatic degumming of banana pseudostem fibre
14 Removal of lead (Pb(II)) using pseudostem fibre of banana
15 Production of Ferulic acid from banana fibre
16 Nanocellulosic fibre extraction
17 Extraction of pectin from banana peel
18 Fabrication of banana sheath waste into basket, boxes, mats,
cups, plates and paper based products from scutcher waste
Fig. Crop Production & Post Harvest Technology - Technologies available for commerciliation
Crop protection:
Sl.No Name of the Technology
1 A simple, rapid and solvent free nucleic acid extraction protocol
for detection of banana bunchy top virus
2 Ready to use ELISA kit for simultaneous detection of BBrMV and CMV in banana samples
3 Ready to use Indirect ELISA kit for detection of cucumber mosaic virus in banana samples
4 Ready to use Indirect ELISA kit for detection of banana bract mosaic virus in banana samples
5 Immuno lateral flow device (LFD) kit for onsite detection of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
6 LAMP based diagnosis of Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV)
7 LAMP based diagnosis of banana streak MY virus (BSMYV)
8 Management of BBrMV through application of higher dose ( 125-150% of RDF)
of fertilizer for cvs. Ney Poovan /Robusta/Nendran/Poovan.
9 Lateral Flow Immuno Assay (LFIA) strip or immuno strip kit for
onsite detection of banana bract mosaic virus
10 PCR based technology for the detection of banana bunchy top virus (BBTV)
11 PCR based technology for the detection of banana streak MY virus (BSMYV)
12 RT-PCR based technologies for the detection of banana mosaic
caused by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
13 RT-PCR based technologies for the detection of banana bract
mosaic caused by banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV)
14 Triple antibody sandwich ELISA (TAS-ELISA) kit for detection
of banana bract mosaic virus (BBrMV)
15 Triple antibody sandwich ELISA (TAS-ELISA) kit for detection of
cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
16 Biocontrol management of sigatoka leaf spot disease
Fig. Crop Protection - Technologies available for commerciliation
Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: