Improvement of banana through conventional breeding (PI)
Improvement and management of banana genetic resources in Indian Subcontinent (PI)
Production of doubled haploids for improvement of bananas (Musa spp.) (PI)
Current External Projects:
Development and Transfer of Technology from Queensland University of Technology to India for Bio fortification and Disease Resistance in Banana ( Phase II ) Component-1 : Biofortification and evaluation of Indian banana with pro Vitamin A (PVA) constructs(PI) funded by DBT, India (PI)
Framing DUS guidelines for banana funded by PPV&FR. (Co-PI) funded by PPV FRA (Co-PI)
DST-SERB - Gene Editing for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Banana (Grand Nain, AAA) (Co-PI)
Efforts towards the development of Fusarium wilt resistance in banana using CRISPR/ Cas9 (Co-PI)
Induced polyploidy: A tool to improve sterile bananas (Co-PI)
As a Principal breeder, developed three small cardamom varieties.
Developed somatic embryogenesis protocol for small cardamom.
Developed multiple shoot prodcution from banana zygotic embryos.
Developed genome specific markers to differentiate the banana A and B genome.
Developed MusatransSSR database.
Developed banana breeding tracker.
Developed DUS guidelines for banana and plantain.
DBT -Postdoctoral Fellow.
CHAI Fellow
Dr.K.Ramiah Medal.
Dr.M.S.Swaminathan Award.
Best oral presenttion award- 2
Best poster presentation award - 6
CSIT Research Associate ship.
CSIR-Senior Research Fellowship.
TNAU Ph.D. Merit Fellowship.
TNAU M.Sc .(Ag) Merit Fellowship.
TNAU B.Sc. (Ag) Merit Fellowship.
Backiyarani, S ., Vigneshkumar, B., Chandrasekar, A., Saranya, S., Ramajayam, D., Saraswathi, MS., Durai, P., Kalpana, S. and Uma, S. (2020) Strengthening of banana breeding through data digitalization. Database: 2020: 1-6 doi:10.1093/database/baz145
Suthanthiram Backiyarani *, Arumugam Chandrasekar, Subbaraya Uma And Marimuthu Somasundaram Saraswathi (2019) MusatransSSRDB (a transcriptome derived SSR database) – An advanced tool for banana improvement J Biosci (2019) 44:4 DOI: 10.1007/s12038-018-9819-5
Backiyarani. S., Uma, S., Nithya, S., Chandrasekar, A., Saraswathi, M. S., Thangavelu, R., Mayilvaganan, M.,
Sundararaju, P. and Singh, N.K. (2015) Genome-Wide Analysis and Differential Expression of Chitinases in Banana Against Root Lesion Nematode ( Pratylenchus coffeae ) and Eumusa Leaf Spot ( Mycosphaerella eumusae ) Pathogens Appl Biochem Biotechnol DOI 10.1007/s12010-015-1528-z
Backiyarani. S., Uma,S., Saraswathi, M. S., Saravanakumar, A.S. and Chandrasekar, A. (2015) Transcriptome analysis of banana (Musa balbisiana) based on next generation sequencing technology. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 39: DOI: 10. 3906/ tar-1406-171
S.Backiyarani , S. Uma, G. Arunkumar, M.S. Saraswathi, P. Sundararaju (2014). Differentially expressed genes in incompatible interactions of Pratylenchus coffeae with Musa using suppression subtractive hybridization Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 86 : 11-18
S. Backiyarani, S. Uma, P. Varatharaj and M. S. Saraswathi. (2012) Mining of EST-SSR Markers of Musa and Their Transferability Studies Among the Members of Order the Zingiberales. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 169(1), 228-38