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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. P.Suresh Kumar

Dr. P.Suresh Kumar

Crop Production and Post-Harvest Technology
Post Harvest Technology
Drying, Starch chemistry, Fiber, Designer and nano food formulations, Nutraceuticals
Current Institute Projects:
  1. Novel nutraceutical smart delivery systems for high-value food and non-food products of banana (PI)
  2. Developing integrated package of practices for export of selected commercial and GI tagged varieties of Indian Bananas (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:
  1. Development of smart foods, bio-composites, green packaging and bio-energy from agroresidues (PI)
  2. Intellectual property management and Transfer / Commercialisation of Agricultural technology (PI)
  3. Network Program on Precison Agriculture (NePPA) (Co-PI)
  4. Establishment of  Agri-Business Incubation (ABI) Centre under ICAR-NAIF (Component-II) (Co-PI)
  1. Extraction of starch and starch modification from banana for making low glycemic, designer functional foods.
  2. Development of syn-biotic foods and process and product development from Banana flour, banana wastes including flower, bracts, rhizome, pseudostem, peel.
  3. Bio-prospecting and separation of bio-active compounds from horticultural crops which could be used for fortification of foods.
  4. Extraction of fibre, degumming, heavy metal removal using banana fibre, ferulic acid production, bioplastics from peel.
  5. Developed technologies for horticultural production, processing and value addition like osmo processing for bamboo and pineapple, processed products from indigenous fruits like taktir, drying technologies for bamboo.
  6. Irrigation scheduling for tomato, planting methods and soil mixtures to alleviate edaphic and drought stresses ICAR-NIASM.
  7. Water saving techniques like partial root zone drying (PRD) and deficit irrigation (DI) strategies for fruit and vegetable crops.
  8. During my tenure at NEH region, various projects including CSS Technology Mission for Horticulture Development in NE states, NAIP Projects on livelihood improvement via establishment of low cost polyhouse, DBT project for tissue culture production of Khasi mandarin; five different NHB projects on Banana, pineapple, khasi mandarin, farming system and postharvest for holistic development of Horticulture in Arunachal Pradesh.
  9. Influence of mulching and irrigation intensities on plant growth, yield, nutrients, polyphenols and antioxidant activity for Khasi mandarin, strawberry and kiwi fruits.
  1. Best poster presentation award: Hema V, Arulpandian, T, Amelia Keran D, Suresh Kumar P , Shiva K N and Kamaraju K presented A poster entitled “Functional enrichment of muffin with dietary fibre rich banana peel flour” in the International Conference on Banana 2020, Innovations in sustainable production and value chain management in banana. Session X Processing and waste valorization including Textiles, 22-25th Feb, 2020, NRCB, Trichy, India
  2. Best oral presentation award: Suresh Kumar P , Saravanan A, Sheeba N, Shiva K N, Ravi I, Mayil Vaganan M and Uma S presented Oral paper entitled “Functional and structural characteristics of starches derived from dessert, cooking and plantain bananas (Musa spp.)” in the International Conference on Banana 2020, Innovation in sustainable production and value chain management in banana, Session X Processing and waste valorization including Textiles, 22-25th Feb, 2020, NRCB, Trichy, India
  3. Best oral presentation award: Shiva K N, Suresh Kumar P , Sivakumar M, Sridharan S, Kamaraju K, Prakash Patil and Uma S presented Oral paper entitled “Assessment of Post-harvest losses in banana in Tamil Nadu, a Major banana hub in India” in the International Conference on Banana 2020, Innovation in sustainable production and value chain management in banana, Session VIII Postharvest handling and smart packaging, 22-25th Feb, 2020, NRCB, Trichy, India
  4. Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding Young Scientist Award- 2018. ICAR, New Delhi on 16th July 2019.
  5. CHAI Fellow 2019. International conference on innovative horticulture and value chain management – Shaping future horticulture, GBPUA & T, Pantnagar, Uttarkhand, 28-31 May, 2019.
  6. Best Paper award (Poster presentation) for the Paper authored by Manish Kanwat and Suresh Kumar P. 2018. Doubling the farmers income through Horticulture Based farming system in session No IV on 18th November 2018 in the National Conference cum Krishi Unnati Mela- 2-18, Approaches for Doubling the Farmers income- The road ahead for farmers prosperity, KVK, Namsai, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 17-18 November, 2018.
  7. Appreciation award by Agri Search (India) Pvt Ltd., for the contribution in the field of Banana research & Development during Jan 2017 at Jalgaon, Maharashtra.
  8. Best Paper award (Poster presentation) for the Paper authored by Yogeshwar Singh, Nangare DD, Suresh Kumar P , Mahesh Kumar, Patel DP., Bal S.K., Taware PB and Mihas PS. 2016. Influence of Plant growth regulators on alleviation of water logging in onion. Presented in session No VI on 16th November 2016 in the 7th International Meet on Doubling the Farmers Income through Horticulture at B.P Pal Auditorium, IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, November 15-18, 2016.
  9. Best Research Paper award (Oral presentation) for the Paper authored by Yogeshwar Singh, Nangare DD, Suresh Kumar P , Mahesh Kumar, Prashant Kumar, Taware PB, Bal S.K., Rane, J and Singh NP., 2016. Dragon fruit: Wonder crop for degraded and water scarce areas presented by Yogeshwar Singh during the International Conference on Climate Change adaptation and Biodiversity: Ecological sustainability and resource management for livelihood security, 8-10 December, 2016, Organized by Andaman Science Association, Central Island Agricultural Research Institute, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  10. Bioved Young Scientist Associate Award 2015 on the occasion of 17th Indian Agricultural Scientists and Farmers congress on Agri-innovation for enhancing production & Rural employment during 21-22 Feb. 2015 at Bioved Krishi Prodyogiki Gram Moharab, Allahabad by Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture & Technology, Allahabad, UP, India.
  11. Scientist of the year award-2014 by Samgra Vikas Welfare Society, Lucknow during the International Symposium on “Peri-Urban Agriculture for Improving Livelihood Opportunities” during 25-26 November 2014 at Institute of Financial Management Training & Research, 24/3, Indira Nagar, Lucknow – 226 016 (INDIA) chaired by Shri Ganesh Shankar Pandey, Honorable Speaker of Legislative Council, Uttar Pradesh.
  12. Best poster paper award for the poster entitled “Innovative techniques to obviate edaphic and drought stresses on pomegranate grown in shallow basaltic soils” which has been presented in the National seminar-cum-exhibition on “Pomegranate for Nutrition, livelihood security and Entrepreneurship development” during Dec 5-7, 2014 held at NRC Pomegranate, Solapur.
  13. KU Patel memorial award for the overall best paper entitled Traditional, ethnic and fermented foods of different tribes of Arunachal Pradesh published during 2010 in Indian Food Packer 65 (3) by All India Food Processors Association on 16th December 2011 at New Delhi.
  1. Suresh Kumar Paramasivam, Divya Panneerselvam, Durgadevi Sundaram, Karur Nallappagounder Shiva & Uma Subbaraya (2020): Extraction, Characterization and Enzymatic Degumming of Banana Fiber. Journal of Natural Fibers DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2020.1764456
  2. Suresh Kumar, P. , A. Saravanan, N. Sheeba, S. Uma. 2019. Structural, functional characterization and physicochemical properties of green banana flour from dessert and plantain bananas (Musa spp.). LWT - Food Science and Technology 116 (2019) 108524. .
  3. Suresh Kumar, P. Durgadevi, S. Saravanan A. and Uma. S. 2019. Antioxidant potential and Antitumour activities of Nendran Banana peel against cancer cell line. Indian Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences. 81 (3): 464-473
  4. Suresh Kumar, P. , Eyarkai Nambi, V. Shiva, K.N. Mayil Vaganan M., Ravi, I..Jeyabaskaran K.J and Uma S. 2019. Thin layer drying kinetics of Banana var. Monthan (ABB): Influence of convective drying on nutritional quality, microstructure, thermal properties, colour and sensory characteristics. J.Journal of Food Process Engineering. DOI: 10.1111/JFPE.13020
  5. Suresh Kumar, P. and Choudhary VK 2019. Weed suppression, nutrient leaching, water use and yield of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) under different land configurations and mulches. Journal of Cleaner production . 210: 795-803.
  6. Nangare, D.D., Singh, Y., Suresh Kumar P. and Minhas, P.S. 2016. Growth, fruit yield, and quality of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) as affected by deficit irrigation on regulated phonological basis. Agric Water Manage . 171: 73-79. 8.29 (A076).
  7. Suresh Kumar, P. , Singh, Y., Nangare, D.D., Bhagat, K., Kumar, M., Taware, P.B., Kumari, A. and Minhas, P.S. 2015. Influence of growth stage specific water stress on the yield, physic-chemical quality and functional characteristics of tomato grown in shallow basaltic soils. Sci. Hortic. 197C: 261-271. 7.37 (S017).
  8. Zhang, C.R., Jayasree, E., Suresh Kumar, P. and Nair, M.G. 2015. Antioxidant and Antiinflammatory compounds in nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) pericarp as determined by in vitro assays. Natl. Product Communications. 10 (8): 1399-1402. 6.91 (N013).
Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: