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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. C.Karpagam

Dr. C.Karpagam

Crop Production and Post-Harvest Technology
Agricultural Extension
Entrepreneurship development, e- extension, TOT modalities, Social-dynamics, Socio technological analysis, Natural resource management, Farmers’ innovations and ITKs, Development of farm leadership, SWOT analysis for export and import, Capacity development programme & Research-Extension-Farmers linkage.
M. Sc (Agri.), Ph.D., D.B.M
Current Institute Projects:
  1. Effective utilization of different extension methods and mass media for holistic transfer of banana technologies for different stakeholders in banana production system (PI)
  2. Developing integrated package of practices for export of selected commercial and GI tagged varieties of Indian bananas (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:
  1. Documented sixty agriculturally based indigenous technical knowledge (ITK) practices and their impact and introduced several technological interventions in the Sundarban coastal agro-eco system.
  2. For the first time, a novel concept of “Social-Dynamic Index” was introduced in extension research. It estimated social dynamics among drip and non- drip users of sugarcane, onion and leaf banana cultivators based on eight social indicators.
  3. Developed a novel concept to estimate water use efficiency in extension research and evaluated water management technologies at farmers’ fields through Field Performance and Adaptive Research Program (FPARP).
  4. Conducted an extensive survey in 22 districts of Tamil Nadu state and an inventory of farmers’ practices for the inclusive development of sugarcane production systems, including forty case studies.
  5. Conducted survey research to study the impact of drip irrigation in cotton cultivation in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
  6. Transferred Sugarcane, Cotton and Banana technologies to various stakeholders through various mass media and print media channels and developed several extension teaching aids.
    International Award :
  1. Best poster presentation award at International Symposium on New Paradigms in Sugarcane Research held during October 15- 18, 2012.

    National award:
  1. Dr. R. Dwarkinath Gold Medal (2001) for best M.Sc. (Ag.) thesis at Dharwad Agr. University
  2. Dharwad Agricultural University Gold Medal (2001) for highest OGPA in M. Sc. (Ag.)
  3. Best paper award for the paper entitled “Strengthening Research-Extension-Farmer’s linkage- Issues, Strategy analysis for sustainable development” authored by Karpagam. C (2005) presented in National seminar on “Extension Pluralisms for Rural Development” organized by Society of Extension Education (SEE) at TNAU, Coimbatore during 25-26th of February, 2005.
  4. Best paper award for the paper entitled “Impact of drip irrigation on social-dynamics of farmers authored by C.Karpagam, (2010) presented in National seminar on Extension management reforms – Initiatives and impact, organized by Society of Extension Education (SEE) at TNAU, Coimbatore, during December 11 & 12, 2010.
  5. Advocate Pandian Scientific -Tamil Trust First Prize” best paper presentation award for the paper entitled “e-extension in sugarcane. (Tamil)” authored by Puthira Prathap, D., Govindaraj, P., Hari, K., Sivaraman, K., Karpagam, C and Murali, P. 2013 at 21st National Seminar on Scientific Tamil held at Coimbatore organized by All India Scientific Tamil Council, Thanjavur.
  6. Best paper presentation award for the paper entitled ‘Women in sugarcane farming: issues and perspective’ authored by T.Rajula shanthy, R.Thiagarajan & C. Karpagam had won second in session II in National Conferences on Women in Sugarcane Agriculture and Industry held at Indian Institute of Sugarcane research Lucknow during August 29-31, 2013.
  7. Best stall award for the exhibition stall displayed at Farmers Mela 2010 in TNAU on June 9-10 th, 2010.(Co-organised )
  8. Achiever Award -2014 by Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, HP in recognition to the contribution made to the society especially in the field of farming and agriculture.
  9. Young Scientist Award 2014 by Society of Extension Education, TNAU for the research work carried out on Documentation of farmers practices and paper presented on innovative taxonomy of Farmers practices for inclusive development in sugarcane production system in National seminar on ‘Extension management strategies for sustainable agriculture – opportunities and challenges’ held 12-13, December, 2014 at AC & RI, Madurai organized by SEE, TNAU.
  10. Best book award 2015 for the book Extension in Tamil authored by C. Karpagam and S. Usha Rani and published by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society, New Delhi with ISBN No.978-93-84234-29-4.
  11. Best stall award for the exhibition stall displayed at Farmers Mela 2017 in TNAU.
  12. Professor MS Swami Nathan Best scientist & Distinguished fellow award by Bose Science Society by 2019
  13. Best stall award (2nd Prize- Coordinator) for the exhibition stall displayed at Agricultural Expo-2023 (Velan Sangamam) held at CARE Engineering college, Trichy
  14. Best stall award (1st Prize- Coordinator) for the exhibition stall displayed at National Horticultural Fair- 2024 held at IIHR, Bengaluru

  1. Karpagam C , Burman D, Bandyopadyay BK and Bal AR (2006) Indigenous ethno veterinary practices for animal husbandry under coastal villages of Sunderban. Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research. 24 (2); 276-278.
  2. Karpagam C , Bandyopadyay BK, Burman D and Bal AR (2006) National Agricultural Extension Policy Framework – Scope and prospects for Coastal Agro eco System. Journal of the Indian Society of Coastal Agricultural Research, 24 (2); 310-312
  3. Karpagam C , Ravichandran V, Murali P, Putira Prathap D and Rajula Shanthy T (2013) Influence of profile characteristics on Social-Dynamics among sugarcane drip users and non-drip users – A farm level enquiry. Sugar Tech, 15(4); 349-353.
  4. Mooventhan P, Kadian K.S, Senthilkumar R, Manimaran A, Meena B.S and Karpagam C (2016), Assessment of tribal dairy farmers’ perceived importance, level of awareness and constraints in the adoption of good feeding practices using exploratory factor analysis. Range management & Agroforestry 37(1) : 98-103, 2016
  5. Mooventhan P, Kadian K.S, Senthilkumar R, Kumaresan A, Manimaran A and Karpagam C (2017), Dissemination of good dairy farming practices through interactive educational multimedia module – An innovative approach in farm technology transfer. Indian journal of Animal Sciences 87 (3) : 396-400, March 2017
  6. Karpagam, C . et al. (2019). Technology mapping and adoption behavior for sugarcane protection technologies by Dharmapuri district Sugarcane growers. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 11(4); 806-809. ISSN: 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online).
  7. Karpagam, C. et al. (2019). Social and technological dimension; and constraint analysis in sugarcane cultivation of Theni district of Tamil Nadu. Journal of Applied and Natural Science. 11(2); 581-586. ISSN: 0974-9411 (Print), 2231-5209 (Online).
  8. Shankarganesh, K., Selvi, C and Karpagam C . (2020).Effects of thermal stress on the antioxidant defenses in paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink parasitized by Acerophagus papayae Noyes & Schauff. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science,Published online,10.1007/s42690-020- 00222-8.
  9. Karpagam. C., Murali P., Bhaskaran A., RajulaShanthy. T and PuthiraPrathap. D (2014) An inventory of farmers’ Practices for Inclusive Development in Sugarcane Production System. Book Published by SBI, Coimbatore. ISBN.978-81-926387-7-5.
  10. Karpagam. C and Usha Rani. S (2015) Extension in Tamil. Book published by Agricultural Scientific Tamil Society, New Delhi. ISBN No.978-93-87702-56-5.
  11. Karpagam, C and Selvarajan. R. 2023. Vazhai (Banana) - Extension Handbook. ICAR – NRCB. pp. 120. ISBN: 978-93-5967-755-2
  12. Poorani, J, Karpagam, C, Loganathan, M, Anuradha, C, Giribabu, P, Mohanasunadaram, A and Selvarajan, R (Eds.). 2023. Souvenir cum Abstract Book VIROCON-2023 “Advancements in Global Virus Research Towards Human Health”. ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, 518 pp. ISBN: 978-93-6039-718-0.
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