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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. P.Giribabu

Dr. P.Giribabu

Crop Protection
Host plant resistance; Entomopathogenic nematodes; Nematode biocontrol
M.Sc., Ph.D.(Nematology)
Current Institute Projects:
  1. Investigations on Musa nematodes’ diversity, biology, behavior, interactions and their management (PI)
  2. Improvement of banana through conventional breeding (Co PI)
  3. Integrated management of Fusarium wilt disease (Foc R1) in traditional varieties of banana (Co PI)
  4. Development of clump management technology for enhanced productivity in banana (Co-PI)
  5. Eco-friendly management of banana pseudostem weevil (Odoiporus longicollis Olivier) and banana scarring beetle Basilepta spp.) (Co-PI)
  6. Bio-intensive management of major insect pests of Banana (Co-PI)
  7. Assessment of carbon sequestration, energy budgeting, biodiversity, and production potential of three different banana production ecosystems of tropical climate (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:
  1. Molecular identification of major banana nematodes and entomopathogenic nematodes were done by sequencing amplified DNA fragment of nematodes and submitted at NCBI portal.
  2. Isolated two native entomopathogenic nematode species (Steinernema siamkayai and Heterorhabditis indica) and evaluated against banana stem weevil.
  3. Identified resistant germplasm lines and hybrids of banana (Musa spp.) to root-lesion (Pratylenchus coffeae) and root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) nematodes.
  4. Evaluated and identified effective biocontrol agents (Trichoderma asperellum and Bacillus flexus) against root-lesion and root-knot nematodes.
  1. Awarded “ISOR Fellow” by Indian Society of Oilseeds Research (ISOR), ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Hyderabad during the National Oilseeds Seminar-2020-organized by ISOR and ICAR-IIOR during 7-8-February, 2020.
  2. ‘Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing’ by Plant Protection Association of India (PPAI), Hyderabad for peer reviewing manuscripts submitted to ‘Indian Journal of Plant Protection’ during 2014-16.
  3. Secured Second Rank at National level in Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Nematology discipline conducted by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2006).
  4. Indian Council of Agricultural Research - Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board’s  National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Nematology (2005).
  5. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - University Grant Commission’s Senior Research Fellowship (2003 to 2008).
  6. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - University Grant Commission’s National Eligibility Test for Lectureship in Life Sciences (2002).
  7. Indian Council of Agricultural Research’s Junior Research Fellowship (2000 to 2002).
  8. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University’s Merit Scholarship (1995 – 1999).
  1. Giribabu, P., Anitha Sree, T. and Saraswathi, M. S. 2019. Screening of banana genotypes for resistance to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Indian Journal of Nematology. 49(1): 103-104.
  2. Giribabu, P. and Anitha Sree, T. 2016. Screening of Banana cultivars for resistance to root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus coffeae). Indian Journal of Nematology. 46(2): 175.
  3. Giribabu, P. and Patel, D. J. 2016. Susceptibility of castor (Ricinus communis) to field population of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita in Rajasthan. Indian Journal of Nematology. 46(2): 177-178.
  4. Giribabu, P. 2014. Screening castor genotypes for resistance to reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis. Indian Journal of Plant Protection. 42(4): 477 – 478.
  5. Giribabu, P. 2010. Screening of varieties and hybrids of castor (Ricinus communis L.) for resistance against reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira, 1940). Journal of Oilseeds Research. 27: 271 – 272.
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