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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. A.Mohanasundaram

Dr. A.Mohanasundaram

Crop Protection
Agricultural Entomology
Biological control, Integrated Pest management and Climate change
Current Institute Projects:
  1. Eco-friendly management of banana pseudostem weevil (Odoiporus longicollis Olivier) and banana scarring beetle (Basilepta spp) (PI)
  2. Bio-intensive management of major insect pests of Banana (Co-PI)
  3. Pest mapping in bananas and plantains of India (Co-PI)
  4. Molecular approaches to understand the host-virus-vector- environment interactions and the management of banana viruses (Co-PI)
  5. Crop improvement of banana through conventional breeding (Co-PI)
  6. Production of doubled haploids for improvement of Bananas (Musa spp.) (Co-PI)
  7. Organic banana farming for sustainable soil health and nutritional security (Co-PI)
  8. Effective utilization of different extension methods and mass media for holistic transfer of banana technologies for different stakeholders in banana production system (Co-PI)
  9. Assessment of carbon sequestration, energy budgeting, biodiversity, and production potential of three different banana production ecosystems of tropical climate (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:


    Insect pest management in banana

    1. Identified two newer insecticide viz., Fipronil 5% SC and Thiamethoxam 25% WG were effective against the banana pseudostem weevil with pseudostem injection

    2. Identified a insecticide, Fipronil (both SC and granule formulations) was most effective candidates for use against corm weevil with sucker treatment and soil application

    3. Bio-formulation, i.e., Banana Weevil Killer (Beauveria bassiana 109 cfu/ml), was developed against banana pseudostem and corm weevil

    4. Disc on stump trap added with Banana weevil killer were used for the management of banana weevils in Ratoon/existing banana crops

    Collection and Conservations of the Lac Insect Genetic Resources
  1. Around 50 lac insect germplasm were conserved and maintained on Flemingia macrophylla for ten years 2011 to 2021.
  2. Lac insect was collected from Madurai, Thrissur and Manipur were described as new species, Kerria maduraiensis & Kerria canalis, Kerria thrissurensis and Kerria manipurensis , respectively.
  3. Extensive survey in 56 districts of 9 different states viz., Andaman, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tamil Nadu, Tripura and West Bengal were made. New collections of lac insect (9) and lac host plants (8) were added in respective Gene Banks.
  4.  Estimated variation in aleuritic acid content in different lac insect species, strain, colour, season and the host plant by using new method developed for the extraction of aleuritic acid

    Lac insect crop Management
  1. Biological parameters viz., initial density, sex ratio, fecundity, cell and resin weight of 55 lac insect lines showed significant difference among the lines which were corroborated with morphological studies.
  2. First time Callindra calothyrysis was identified as promising host of Kerria lacca for both strain (rangeeni and kusmi ) in all four crops (Baisakhi, katki, aghani and jethwi)
  3. Based on the reproductive isolation, Kerria lacca and K. chinensis were confirmed as two different species.
  4. First time budded, inarched and grafted plants of F. semialata on F. macrophylla were achieved and also studied Host suitability Index.
  5. Improved and accurate method was developed for broodlac quality of lac insects and forecasting of lac insect crawler emergence
  6. Developed Seri-Lac Culture Model in collaboration with CSR and TI, Mysore
  7. Five models of Lac integrated Agro-forestry System were demonstrated among thirteen tribal farmers in seven villages two districts of Jharkhand
    Lac Insect Pest Management
  1. Quantitative variation in lac associated fauna was determined which varied between the location, host and crop season. Aprostocetus purpureus , a parasitoid was most prevalent
  2. New more precision and accurate method of in-situ parasitoid collection was developed.
  3. Eighteen (18 nos.) of lac associated fauna and 6 pests of lac hosts and 3 alternate hosts of A. purpureus was reported first time.
  4. Major semiochemicals viz., Decane, dodecane, hexadecane and nonadecane were detected in lac inoculated plants and other major compounds viz. Decane, Dodecane, Tetradecane, Heptadecane, Eicosane and Octacosyl acetate were detected in lac insect and associated products.
  5. Electroantennogram study revealed that the antennal receptors of Eublemma amabilis and Pseudohypatopa pulverea were differentially sensitive to lac insect and associated product extracts.
  6. Regression models were developed on the population fluctuation of Aprostocetus purpureus on Palas and Ber during baisakhi crops.                                                                                                    [– Palas : Y=-142.09+2.77(Max temp)-1.61(Min Temp)+1.41 (Eve RH)+0.015 (RF)], [– Ber : Y=-25.64+0.47(Eve RH)+0.16 (RF)]
    Technology commercialized
  1. Calliandra calothyrsus – a potential new host for lac insect, Kerria lacca , a technology was developed. It was commercialized in twenty farmers field at Ranchi and Khunti districts, Jharkhand.
  2. Lac Integrated Agro-forestry System was commercialized under ICRAF project in 20 farmers field at Ranchi, Khunti and Seraikella Kharsawan districts, Jharkhand

            Patent granted

  1. Thombare N, Srivastava S, Mohanasundaram A and Sharma K.K. Natural Resin Based Novel Nondrying Adhesive: Preparation and Application in Insect Trap, Patent No. : 497208, Date of Filing: 07/05/2020, Date of Grant, 10/01/2024

            Patent filed

  1. Mohd Ali, Hazra D K, Sharma K K and Mohanasundaram A. (2022). Microwave-assisted improved process for extraction of aleuritic acid from lac, Patent No. 202231032170

             Mobile Application Developed

  1. LakhKaDoctor Mobile app Script writing, planning and designing were done by Dr. A. Mohanasundaram, Dr S. Ghosal, Dr Sharma K K  and technical support was given by Mr. Akash Sinha (during February, 2021 and it was released by Honorable Director General ICAR on 25th  February, 2021

            Success story

  1. Entrepreneurial ecosystem for tribal agriculture development: A case study of Lac Integrated Agro-forestry System (LIAS) during 01-10-2016 to 31-03-2021.

Young/ Distinguished/ Outstanding Scientist awards

  1. Received Young Scientist Award in 2nd National Conference on Doubling Farmers Income for Sustainable & Harmonious Agriculture (DISHA-2018) organized by S&T SIRI, Warangal, ICAR RCER ER, Patna, ICAR-IINRG and ICAR-IIAB, Ranchi during 11-12th August, 2018 at ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi
  2. Received Distinguished worker Award (Scientific category) for the year 2018 during 95th ICAR-IINRG foundation day on 20th September, 2018 at ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi
  3. Young Scientist award (Runner up) with Rs. 5000 cash price in competitive mode during National conference on Entomology 2018: Advances and Challenges held at PJTSAU, Hyderabad on 12th December, 2018.
  4. Received Young Scientist Award - 2019 in the  National conference on “Trends in Higher Education, Taxonomy, Agriculture, Biotechnology and Toxicology” organized by the Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Foundation on 17th November, 2019 at Chennai
  5. Received Outstanding Achievement Award in the field of Agricultural Entomology (Study of Lac Insects) in the 3rd National Conference on Promoting & Reinvigorating Agri-Horti Technological Innovations (PRAGATI - 2019) during 24 to 25th, December, 2019 at Dhanbad, Jharkhand
  6. Received Young Scientist Award in appreciation of his outstanding contribution in the field of lac insect bio-diversity, tritopic interaction and effect of climate change on lac cultivation. In National Web-Symposium on Recent Advances in Beneficial Insects, Natural Resins and Gums organized by SANRAG, ICAR-IINRG during 25 to 26 February 2021 at ICAR-IINRG, Ranchi by virtual mode
  7. Prof TN Ananthakrishnan Award (biennium 2020-21), Young Scientist Award - Third position along with a cash award Rs. 10000 in his contributions towards Indian Lac insect Kerria lacca’s genenic resources, crop management and insect pest management in Prof TN Ananthakrishnan Awards Ceremony (biennium 2020-21) on 09th August, 2022 at Zoological Survey of India, Southern Regional Centre, Chennai
  8. Distinguished scientist award in the field of Agricultural Entomology in National Conference on “Horticulture: Enhancing Productivity and Mitigating Major Challenges on 11th November, 2022 at Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Krishnankovil, Tamil Nadu, India
  9. Society for Biocontrol Advancement (SBA) – Dr. M. Swamiappan Award for outstanding contributions to Bio intensive IPM organized by Society for Biocontrol Advancement, ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru on 15th December
  10. Fellow of the  for Society for Biocontrol Advancement, Bengaluru, India in appreciation and recognition of outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of Biological control of crop pests at ICAR-NBAIR, Bengaluru on 15th December
  11. AVIAN Trust Awards-2023 in the category of AVIAN Award for Plant Protection-2023 on 16 December 2023
  1. Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K, Monobrullah Md, Choudhary J S, Pramanik A, Naaserah Zeeshan and yadav M. (2023). Weather based forecasting model for emergence of Aprostocetus purpureus (Cameron)– a parasitoid of lac insect, Kerria lacca (Kerr) Journal of Agrometeorology, Vol. No. 25 (4) : 589-594
  2.  Mohanasundaram A, Anees K, Nebapure S M, Sharma K K, Naiyar Naaz, Mishra R and Upnit Shree (2022). Electroantennography and behavioral studies of Eublemma amabilis [Moore] and Pseudohypatopa pulverea [Meyr] in relation to volatiles of lac insect (Kerria lacca Kerr.) and its associated products,  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science
  3. Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K, Lohot V D, Kandasamy T, Upnit Shree and Naaserah Zeeshan, (2022). Calliandra calothyrsus: A Potential Host for the Indian Lac Insect [(Kerr.)] Cultivation Kerria lacca in India, Indian Journal of Ecology, 49(1): 201-206 DOI:
  4. Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K, Lohot V D, Thamilarasi K, Ghosh J, Ramani R, Gulsaz Shamim, Choudhury Neelanjana and Sajiya Eqbal.  (2018) Occurrence of lac insects and their host plants in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Indian Journal of Entomology, 80(4): 1351-1358. DoI No.: 10.5958/0974-8172.2018.00288.2 
  5. Mohanasundaram A, Monobrullah Md, Sharma K K, Meena S C, Verma Sweta and Ramani R. (2016). Aprostocetus purpureus, a major parasitoid of Indian lac insect, Kerria lacca (Coccoidea: Tachardiidae). Indian Journal of Ecology, 43 (Special issue-1), 517-521 
  6. Mohanasundaram A, Monobrullah MD, Sharma KK,  Anees K, Singh RK, Meena SC and Poorani J, Mohanasundaram A, Thanigairaj R. (2022). Larvae of Perixera illepidaria (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), an emerging pest of mango, migrate to banana for pupation and to meet their nemesis.  Current Science, 122 (12). 12, 1367-1370
  7. Suresh Kumar P, Thayumanavan S, Pushpavalli S, Saraswathi, M S, Backiyarani S, Mohanasundaram  A and Uma S. (2023) Comparing physico-chemical characteristics, antioxidant properties, glycemic response, and volatile profiles of eleven banana varieties.  International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58:2893-2908. I249
  8. Ali Md, Hazra D K, Naiya H, Sharma K K, Mohanasundaram A , (2024). Microwave-assisted extraction and purification of aleuritic acid from seedlac: A fast, eco-friendly and cost-effective single process for enhanced yield and purity, Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 197, 1-10.
  9. Rajgopal N N, Mohanasundaram A and Sharma K K. (2021) A new species of lac insect in the genus Kerria Targioni Tozzetti (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Tachardiidae) on Samanea saman (Fabaceae) from India. Zootaxa 4938 (1): 060–068.
  10. Thamilarasi K, Roy Tamoshree, Mohanasundaram A, Sharma K K and Ramani R. (2019). 18S rDNA PCR based detection of hymenopteran parasitoids in the Indian Lac insect, Kerria lacca [Kerr]. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 57: 526-531 
Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: