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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. I.Ravi

Dr. I.Ravi

Crop Production and Post-Harvest Technology
Plant Physiology
Abiotic stress tolerance in Banana, IoT Sensor based irrigation in banana, Physiology of flowering and fruit development in banana.
Current Institute Projects:
  1. High Temperature and soil moisture deficit stresses in banana: Mechanism of high temperature tolerance and management of high temperature and soil moisture deficit stresses in banana(PI)
  2. Biochemical dissection of fruit ripening-related phenomena and components and exploring nutraceutical applications of bioactives of banana (Co-PI)
  3. Development of clump management technology for enhanced productivity in banana (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:
  1. Network Program on Precison Agriculture (NePPA) (PI)
  2. Component - 2: Bio fortification and evaluation of Indian banana with Iron constructs – DBT- QUT (Co-PI)
  1. Identified drought and salt tolerant banana genotypes and released a banana variety as ‘Kaveri Saba’ as drought and salt tolerant variety.
  2. Physiological traits for drought tolerance has been identified for screening bananas in the field.
  3. Identified critical phenological stages of banana for irrigation to avoid water deficit stress effect.
  4. Technologies for alleviation of drought and salt stress injuries have been developed.
  5. Technique to differentiate dessert and cooking bananas based on amylose content from un-ripened green banana fruit has been developed.
  6. Technology to improve bunch development through post flowering growth regulator application on the bunch has been developed. This technique enhance the fruit filling and development which are desirable for marketing the produce.
  7. Optimised the leaf number in popular bananas (cvs. Robusta, Karpuravalli, Ney Poovan, Saba, Poovan, Nendran at flowering for normal fruit development without affecting fruit quality. Keeping optimum number of leaves promotes light penetration to the lower leaves, reduces water loss through transpiration and reduces spread of leaf spot disease.
  1. Awarded Fellow of Bose Science Society (2018)
  2. Awarded JC Bose Best Scientist Award (for the year 2017-18)
  3. Awarded Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Distinguished Fellow Award (2019)

  1. Ravi I, M. Mayil Vaganan, Subbarya Uma (2022). Genomic Designing of Abiotic Tolerance in Banana. In: Genomic Designing for Abiotic Stress Resistant Fruit Crops Ed: C. Kole. Springer Nature, pp. 22-40
  2.  Dita, M.; Teixeira, L.; Li, C.; Zheng, S.; O’Neill, W.; Daniels, J.; Pérez-Vicente, L.; Carreel, F.; Roussel, V.; Carlier, J.; Abadie, C.; Carpentier, S.C.; Iyyakutty, R.; Kissel, E.; van Wesemael, J.; Chase, R.; Tomekpe, K.; Roux, N. (eds.) (2021)Practical guidelines for early screening and field evaluation of banana against Fusarium wilt, Pseudocercospora leaf spots and drought. Bioversity International. Montpellier, France. 83 p. ISBN: 978-92-9255-192-6.
  3. Ravi, I. and Uma, S. (2011) Phenotyping bananas and plantains for adaptation to drought. In : P Monneveux, J-M Ribaut, Eds., Drought Phenotyping in Crops: From Theory to Practice. CIMMYT/Generation Challenge Programme, Mexico City, pp 417-436.
  4. Iyyakutty Ravi , Subbaraya Uma, Muthu Mayil Vaganan and Mohamed M. Mustaffa (2013).Phenotyping bananas for drought resistance. Frontiers in Physiology. Volume. 4. Article 9, 1-15
  5. Iyyakutty Ravi and Mohammed M. Mustaffa (2013). Starch and amylose variability in banana cultivars. Indian Journal of Plant Physiology 18(1):83–87.
  6. Ravi, I., Mayilvaganan, M. and Mustaffa, M.M. (2014) Bananas Grown in Salt Affected Soil Impairs Fruit Development in Susceptible Cultivars. The Andhra Agricultural Journal 61 ( 3 ) : 638 – 642
  7. Ravi I, K. Kamaraju K, Sawan Kumar and Sri Sailaja Nori (2018). Evaluation of sea weed bio formulations on yield and yield parameters of banana cv.Grand Naine (AAA). Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 8 (47 ) : 13482-13488
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