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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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Scientific Staff Profile
Image of Dr. K.J.Jeyabaskaran

Dr. K.J.Jeyabaskaran

Soil Science
Soil Science / Soil Fertility / Nutrient Management
Natural Resource Management, Nutrient (Fertilizer) Management, Soil Health / Fertility Management, Nutrient Budgeting and Recycling.
Current Institute Projects:
  1. Studies on Nutrient Dynamics in Banana (PI)
  2. Organic banana farming for sustainable soil health and nutritional security (PI)
  3. Development of clump management technology for enhanced productivity in banana (Co-PI)
  4. Assessment of carbon sequestration, energy budgeting, biodiversity, and production potential of three different banana production ecosystems of tropical climate (Co-PI)
Current External Projects:
  1. DBT – Banana Shakti Nanoformulations – Effective delivery systems of the micronutrient mixture for improved banana cultlivation (PI).
  2.  ICAR-Network Programme on Precision Agriculture (Co-PI).
  1. Developed strategy of using Cement Kiln Flue dust and Alcohol Distillery Effluent as Potassium Sources in Banana Production.
  2. Developed DRIS indices and Charts for Nendran and Ney Poovan Banana.
  3. Developed a Banana Micronutrient Mixture -“Banana Shakti”.
  4. Developed Fertilizer Tailoring Equations for banana varieties like Nendran, Poovan , Karpuravalli, Ney Poovan, Rasthali and Grand Naine.
  5. Nutrient Budgeting in soil-plant ecosystem under banana cultivation and quantified the nutrient removal and recycling in banana ecosystem.
  1. Jeyabaskaran, K.J., R. Pitchaimuthu, K.N. Shiva, M. Loganathan and S. Uma. 2023. Optimising combinations of different nutrient sources of organic banana farming. ActaHorticulturae 1367, 151-160. DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1367.17
  2. Jeyabaskaran, K.J., R. Pitchaimuthu, V. Kumar and S. Uma. 2021. Nutrient uptake and Accumulation Patterns in Banana cv. Rasthali (AAB) with respect to Dry Matter Production at Critical Growth Stages.  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, DOI: 10.1080/00103624.2021.1956519
  3. Ramajayam, D., K.J. Jeyabaskaran, M.S. Saraswathi, R. Sivasankari, R. Pitchaimuthu, S. Kalpana and S. Uma. 2021. Genetic diversity in fresh fruit pulp mineral profile of 100 Indian Musa accessions. Food Chemistry, 361.
  4. Jeyabaskaran, K.J., P.S.Shirgure, VikramadityaPandey, A.K. Srivastava and S. Uma. 2021. Fertigation in Horticulture : A Guarantee to Economized Quality Production. Indian Journal of Fertilisers, 17(4) : 364-383
  5. Jeyabaskaran, K.J , V.Kumar and S.Uma. 2019. Development and validation of fertiliser adjustment equations for banana cv. Grand Naine (AAA). International Journal of Innovative Horticulture , 8 (2):135-142.
  6. Jeyabaskaran, K.J., R. Pitchaimuthu and S. Uma. 2018.Assessing nutrient uptake pattern with respect to dry matter accumulation in Ney Poovan (AB) banana at critical growth stages. Indian Journal of Horticulture , 75 (3):405-412.
  7. Jeyabaskaran, K.J . and S.D. Pandey. 2008. Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients in banana under high soil pH condition. Indian Journal of Horticulture , 65 (1):102-105.
  8. Jeyabaskaran, K.J. , S.D. Pandey, M.M. Mustaffa and S. Sathiamoorthy. 2005. Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system for monitoring status of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of ‘Nendran’ banana ( Musa paradisiaca ). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 75 (7): 432-434.
  9. Jeyabaskaran, K.J. , S.D. Pandey and G. Gomadhi. 2004. Integration of potassium-rich cement kiln flue dust and distillery effluent in potassium fertilization for increasing banana production. The Andhra Agricultural Journal , 50 : 418-420.
  10. Jeyabaskaran, K.J. , S.D. Pandey and G. Gomadhi. 2003. Effect of potassium-rich cement kiln flue dust and distillery effluent as substitute for potassium fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of “Ney Poovan” banana ( Musa paradisiaca ). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences , 73 (12): 641-644.
  11. Jeyabaskaran, K.J ., S.D. Pandey, M.M. Mustaffa and S. Sathiamoorthy. 2001. Effect of different organic manures with graded levels of inorganic fertilizers on ratoon of Poovan banana. South Indian Horticulture , 49 :105-108.
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