The ICAR National Research Centre for Banana, Tiruchirapalli organized one day Brainstorming Discussion Meeting on "Emerging Pests and Disease Problems in Banana" on 23rd April, 2016. The main focus of the meeting was to evolve the strategies for controlling the spread of dreaded TR-4 Panama Lethal Diseases of banana which is a threat to the banana industry globally. The Inaugural Session was graced by Dr. N.K.Krishna Kumar, Dy. Director General (Hort. Science), ICAR, New Delhi . Dr. B. Padmanaban, Director (Acting), ICAR-NRCB presented the overview of Emerging pests and diseases in banana. Dr. Prakash Patil, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Fruits, IIHR, Bengaluru ; Dr. Sadasakthi, Representative of Commissioner of Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Shri R. Krishnamurthy, Dy.Director of Horticulture, representing the Agril. Production Commission and Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of Tamil Nadu ; Scientists working on banana from ICAR Institutes, SAUs, Plant Quarantine Departments and Representatives of Farmers Association were also participated. This was followed by Technical Sessions wherein the issue was discussed in detail to develop a strategic and action plan to contain the spread of dreaded disease in India.