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भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
भा. कृ. अनु. प. - राष्ट्रीय केला अनुसंधान केंद्र
ICAR-National Research Centre for Banana
An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute
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International Yoga Day Celebrations @ ICAR-NRCB Trichy during 18 to 21 June 2018

The International yoga day celebrations were conducted at ICAR-NRCB, Trichy for a period of four days from 18- 21st June 218. All staff including Scientists, Admin and Audit personnels, RAs, SRFs, YPs, Tech. staff and Ph.D scholars participated in the programme. The sessions included talks on the significance of International Yoga Day celebrations in the context of fitness of body and mind for the well being of human kind and healthy food habits. There were separate practical sessions for warming up exercises, Pranayamas and Asanas for general fitness and some special Asanas for treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, PCOD and kidney related disorders. All these sessions were handled by Dr.Sughumar, BNYS from Shri Jayaranga Nature Cure Hospital, Trichy and Yoga Masters from two different Yoga Centres viz., Amirtha Yoga Mandiram and Vivekananda Yoga Centre, Trichy. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.S.Uma, Director, ICAR-NRCB with formal welcome address by Dr.R.Selvarajan, Principal Scientist and vote of thanks by Dr.M.S.Saraswathi, Principal Scientist of the centre.

International Yoga Day (21 June, 2018)

List of Institutes organized function during International Yoga 2018

# Name of Institute No of Scientist No.of farmers No.of students No.of any other official
1 National Research Centre for Bananna 17 5 18 25
Last Updated: 20-02-2025Website Visits: